Ahead of Election, Obama Stops Releasing ‘Stimulus’ Reports


Well-Known Member
so what did you do with the tax breaks you got from the ARRA?
so what did you do with the tax breaks you got from the ARRA?

you didn't pay any regulatory fees to the federal government, clayton.

in fact, go ahead and name all the new regulatory fees obama has put in place on you.

so you didn't send your tax break back? and you deride the tax break? was the tax break a bad thing, like niggas?
That was the weakest attempt at baiting I've ever seen in my life. You're terrible at it, asking everybody the same exact question.... what an idiot


Well-Known Member
Dude, I pay more a year in fees to the EPA than you pay in federal income taxes (when you use to contribute, a little) I can see where it would be hard for a guy like you to conceive this.

In fact, I paid enough in federal incomes taxes in 2011 to support 5-6 families in my state receiving food stamps, where are your tax dollars going????

How ironic it would be if you were to move one state south, while you'd be cheating the system, my taxes would go towards supporting you!

Bucky, you are the epitome of the progressive left, your only contribution is lip service while mine is with honest work and money!
all lies.

it's obvious by the amount of time that you spend on here that you don't do shit except sit in mommy and daddy's basement and pretend to be some type of republican archetype, born in a log cabin you built yourself.

you even admitted that the neon yellow twigs which you claim as your crowning achievement came from your daddy's photo album while you were looking for naked pics of your own mom.

so sad, clayton.