AH MUSHROOMS!? in my soil?


a mushroom just popped out of my soil. is this bad?, good? or eh?..that's so very odd..i hope it doesnt affect my babies :(


lol its white..it doesnt look like a shroom :(..wish it did :P..yea..ill stop overwatering..i definitely know i'm doing that wrong


Well-Known Member
Watch for other shrooms too, fungus is not good. It can lead to all sorts of problems later on.


these look healthy right? the brighter one is already transplanted and going into the vegetative, the other 2 are still growing..i need to get them away from the light a bit though

im worried about the lighter color on the top center of the first one..does anybody know why it's lightening up like that? im guessing overwatering?


d r0cK

Well-Known Member
what is your setup like? what kind of soil are you using? your lights and time schedule etc... need a little more info to help you out. they do look stretched so you should get them closer to the light. when you transplant them just bury part of the stalk. they look good as for that.

as for the mushrooms. when you pull them out you should put a bag over the mushroom, pinch and kind of seal the the bag around the stem of the mushroom and then pull it out, if you just pull it out you're going to release the spores and then in another week you'll have a bunch of new mushrooms growing possibly in other containers now. I had this problem in the pic in my avatar, it took us about 5 weeks to completely rid the room of them ( thats 43 pots in a 5'x10' area ). by using the bag you will greatly reduce the number of spores that fall from the underside of the mushroom head and remedy the situation in a shorter time.

oh yea, you should take that dirty pen out of your soil. gotta think clean with your plants, they get sick too.


umm..i use miracle grow soil,(which is probably a bad idea), i use 1 florescent tube, on a 21 hour light period, and the first pic is on a 12 hour light period now.just switched 2 days ago..i suck at transplanting so there was some shock on the first plant, but the second pic hasnt been touched yet..i used to water 3 times a day, but i realized im an idiot, and now i water only when about an inch or 2 into the soil is completely dry..i started this about 2 weeks ago..they are 3 weeks old tomorrow..is their stretching only due to, them being not close enough to the light?

its too late for that bag trick..but ill use it in later experiences..i really hope i didnt just mess that up :/

and as for the pen..im using them(washed and soaped) to act as a stand for the plant..ive had(in the past..about the first week) some plants fall over completely..like, leaves on the soil..i dont like this..i used to have 13 plants..now im down to 9..they fell over so i just let them chill and then they died..obviously..so i put those pens in there to lean the plant against it and they seem to be growing strong straight up..

the only reason i cant put them closer to the light is, i have a tiny cabinet im growing in, and i cant really grow in a better place..for now..at least for like a year or 2...i guess if i put a layer of books under the plants that will hoiste them closer to the light..and take them away accordingly..is stretching a bad thing? its seems like it would be a good thing :P more plant :P


Well-Known Member
Stacking books or whatever you have is all you can do to get them closer to the light, nothing wrong with that. Stretching is OK, to a degree. You want the plants tall and healthy, but not struggling to get the light they need. It makes the plant work harder to grow grow higher, towards the light, which in turn inhibits bushiness and leaf growth. Taller stem means weaker stem which can contribute to the plant not being able to hold it's own weight up later in flower stage. Overall they look like they're doing fine and you seem to be learning a lot here and applying it, well done.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Miracle is just fine for growing in. Ive seen wonderful results with nothing but miracle grow potting soil, even without nutes. Your stretching is because you dont have enough light. if you can, try to put the highest output bulb on your flouro fixture, probalby 40 watts. adding bulbs is easy just get a powerstrip and some socket plugs and screw the lightbulbs into the powerstrip and youre good to go ( $20 for 2 powerstrips, 4 socket plugs and 4 23watt lightbulbs @ lowes ). and if you have to, stack some books or hang the fixture by some strings to get the plant closer to the light. Stretching is ok, but youre gonna have smaller nugs throughout your plant. the further apart your branches are vertically the smaller your buds will be, not to say the density will be less but just smaller buds. instead of having a few big nugs you will have a bunch of smaller nugs.

as for the mushrooms, just keep an eye out for more and use the bag method ( i used sandwich bags, the cheap ones without the ziplock on it ).

you should use tootpicks, wooden shishkabob skewers or even wire coat hangers instead of pens. washed or not, they can still leak ink and trace elements from the ink into your soil. if you're having problems with your stalk strength, you can help solve this by putting an oscillating fan on the plants. this will promote stronger stalk growth by constantly having a small breeze on them. my plants are 4 weeks from seed and the stalks are almost 1/2" thick.


awesome..toothpicks it is..i really should use nutes but im all outta money..and no job..im working on school :/ ..i also seem to be having a mold problem now too..just noticed today..im guessing thats because of overwatering? i need to somehow stop that mold cause i know its a bad thing obviously..i just dont know how..

as for air, i open my cabinets like every 20 minutes(when im home) and blow on them..c02 is part of their photosynthesis and they love it..i'll let you in on a little secret actually..when in the flowering stage(i think) if you leak, using a remote system, a c02 canister..like paintball..into the area around your plants, the plants the next day will look as if they took steroids..or so my dad tells me he did with his plants when he was a kid..im a noob, but i do my research :) and this is a great place to further that research..i thank all of you that are helping me with this :D

a fan would be nice, but it seems every fan i put in there blows the plants over..i can't get one small/not powerful enough to not blow them over..its a pain in the dick :/ ...so i resorted to lungs..


Well-Known Member
dont listen to these people saying that pulling the mushroom out is solving the problem. so a mushroom could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the mushroom. some mushrooms grow with plants and make plants grow faster, by breaking down nutrients in the soil and trading it to the plant for other nutrients. this is called a symbiotic relationship. other mushrooms obviously kill plants by stealing all the nutrients. if your plant is in good health than no worries, but if it is dying than you are kinda screwed. you see just pulling the mushroom out does nothing. mushrooms that pop up above ground are just the fruit of the whole being. the body of the mushroom lies beneath the soil, this is called mycelium. you can kill mushrooms with fungicide, but in doing so you will kill any beneficial fungus or bacteria that are VITAL to the plant. meaning that plants and trees cannot survive without good bacteria and fungi. there are companies out there right now that are selling beneficial fungi to farmers and pot growers like us, that you basically just put into the soil and it makes nutrients so much more available that your plants could grow twice as fast and as strong.. no joke. quite possibly even more than that. so dont listen to these people in here that think they know what they are talking about when they dont. i have been learning about mushrooms since i was able to talk. my mother studied mycology (the study of fungi) and botany at the university of washington. if your plant is not already showing signs of poor health, than no problem. the mushrooms mycelium would have started killing the plant long before a mushroom would have fruited!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK MAN.


Well-Known Member


lol i'm not dumb enough to eat a mushroom..and thank you for that info..i pulled it out long ago though :/ ..and what about the mold problem? is that going to affect my babies much? i dont like to worry about their health all too much, but if it's going to damage them in any way i'd rather get rid of it now before it kills any of them