AgroMax Pure UV Help!


Well-Known Member
I contacted HTG (where I bought my Agromax Pure UV bulb) today. The guy on the phone said to run it the whole time the rest of my lights are on throughout flowering. I was blown away cause I dont think he has any clue what hes talking about. My apologies if I am wrong, but it sounded like terrible advice.
Some types of lights have a shortened life span when they're turned on and off frequently, so maybe they're assuming you have enough headroom/height to safely run them all day, and their lifespan (total ON hours) will be longer vs if you turn them on and off several times throughout the day


Well-Known Member
the starter on fluorescence may decay swifter but UV-B is photoinhibitive & mutagenic and will greatly reduce yield if u overapply it esp. if leaves aren't accustomed prior to it


Well-Known Member
ime I wouldn't add UVB without heavy UVA in veg. UVA hardens them up to be able to take more UVB without getting burnt. If you're running 200w+ of PureUV.. godspeed. haha