I add the Vinegar to plain water not with nutes and get that right first before adding anything else, so i have a resevoir of plain water that sits at the side. I only add nutes to what i scoop out of the resevoir and feed the plants per 1 ltr jug at a time. So when i recheck the resevoir ( that i treated only with vinegar) the next day its back up as if nothing was in there at all !

So i read some info about using Vinegar and i've been informed that vinegar is unstable with regards to changing pH & only works as a temporary ph adjustment. I guess this is why it keeps going back up, so if it is doing that in the res then i guess its a similar story in the soil? Is there any any other more stable ph adjustor i could use? Lemon juice- would that be any better? Or is there an organic one on the market? I really would like to stay totally organic if possible
ALLRIGHTTT on the light!!!
I forgot you wanna be organic..HMMMM..I use GH Up and Down..HMMMM well I gotta think on that..Let ya know what I find out.............
What you doing tonight? Agent....