Dirt Clean, I did the same thing, scrapped the Age Old for Blue Mountain Organics. I had my suspicions that Age Old was not actually organic. Once I received the BMO stuff I noticed the difference in the bloom ferts. The Age Old stuff smells like strong ammonia or something and the BMO stuff smells only a little, like composted chicken manure or something. I had great results with Age Old but I am always willing to try to improve.
1 tablespoon per gallon, every other watering. i'm throwing some super thrive in there with it as well. that is all.
When I read the instruction I was (and still am) unsure whether to use the dosage for vegetable or indoor/tropical plants. I decided to play it safe and went with about 1 ml/liter (1 tsp/gal) almost every watering. It worked well enough I have no complaints. I spose it matters what kind of light you are dealing with too. This girl yielded 22grams in a 1.5l pot. I did chop the top buds off first and let it stay under the light longer to get there. If I had pruned better early on that would have been so much easier to trim tho.