Age difference

as long as both people are over 30 it makes little difference. it's not like a 50 year old and a 20 year old, which in my opinion would be sort of weird as people in their 20s are still "kids" in a lot of ways.

the concern in the case of the op is the 63 year old woman is going to be 75 in 12 years, but i'm sure the couple has already realized that. people's definition of "old people" varies quite a bit. if it's good for them that's all that should matter.
I like old women, sure their vag might be kind of dry but theirs a good chance they have money from retirement penisions or social security so I can deal with it plus they are grateful and have lower expectations, as long as they don't try using nasty lubes were cool, i'm not that into sex with old ladies anyways so the extra friction makes me finish faster and leaves them sore so they don't want to do it again right away.
If her relationship doesn't work out I might be available.

Goddamnit! I tried to make that my new sig, but it was too long.
What are your thoughts about the age difference between couples, my sister is 63 she has just married a man who's 39 she is older than his mother and her daughter is older than him. She is a very young looking 63 but even so my one son thinks its terrible they are together personally I don't think it makes much difference as long as you are happy.Your thoughts please.

I have no problem with it what so ever. However In some situations the age of each person and where they are in life could spell trouble. Sounds like your sister and her new beau are in a mutual place though. Both past the stage of wanting kids. Both in the stage of settling down and enjoying life with each other. Good for her.

As far as myself, when I was 21 I dated a 43 year old. For a a couple hours. The relationship ended when she dropped me off after our late night post bar romp and I didn't get her number.
gross. granny panties.

Trust me she does not wear granny panties as you call them, she is 5ft 2 size 8 in clothes she's blonde and not a wrinkle on her face and he wears thongs, when she was given her bus pass at 60 the bus drivers didn't believe it was hers I would post a pic but she would kill me.
I have no problem with it what so ever. However In some situations the age of each person and where they are in life could spell trouble. Sounds like your sister and her new beau are in a mutual place though. Both past the stage of wanting kids. Both in the stage of settling down and enjoying life with each other. Good for her.

As far as myself, when I was 21 I dated a 43 year old. For a a couple hours. The relationship ended when she dropped me off after our late night post bar romp and I didn't get her number.
The man she married is 39 he asked her to marry him three times and she refused she said it wouldn't be fair as he would make a great dad and she couldn't provide him with a family, but he persisted and she gave in he told her he just wanted to be with her she has to daughters one is 30 the same age as my daughter and one is 40 older than her new husband and they both call him dad, which is kinda weird to hear but they are all happy and he keeps her young or so she says.
ahh the better question is at what age does da pussy become dry?

Well hers hasn't as yet, and if it does their are some very tasty lubricants you can buy but don't use the peppermint one! My husband had to run to the shower and wash it off he said his manhood was burning off.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. And no I haven't got a dry pussy either lubes are fun :-?
Well hers hasn't as yet, and if it does their are some very tasty lubricants you can buy but don't use the peppermint one! My husband had to run to the shower and wash it off he said his manhood was burning off.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. And no I haven't got a dry pussy either lubes are fun :-?
:shock: oh my, granny
if they were much younger, and kids were involved, id say yes. it matters. but, at their age, they arent hurting anyone else. thats the main thing. they arent part of the 47%, lol. they want what they want, and dont care how the rest of us pay for their b.s. so. peace be with them. and all.
Is she rich? That might explain the younger guy!
No not at all she was married to the same man for 30yrs and they had two daughters he was a alcoholic but he had a good job and they had their own beautiful home but he was never their and when he was he was drunk and abusive. So she gave him the choice her or the drink he chose the drink she was heart broken and moved out she lived with our younger brother for two years and then met her young new husband. With her share of the proceeds she bought a flat but then sold it and her and her new husband bought a house together and she had a pre-nup drawn up that if she died her share went to her daughters he's happy with that, and her ex husband has just been diagnosed with alcohol induced dementia and is in a home incapable of caring for himself.
Never been an issue with my before, though I won't date younger...

My highest (as of yet) was 13 years older than me, gotta love cougars man
lemme at this gilf... jk :D
Dis bitch?
Good luck to her! I bet she looks better than most women in their 40's/50's. My mother was like that too but I still thought it weird when guys nearly 20 yrs younger were after her. Until I grew up!!

Personally I've never had sugar daddy syndrome and my ex was 4 yrs older. 10 year gap between my parents. Same age for me now! :)