Again with the baby mushrooms in soil


Doing slot of reading and everything I find is controversial. I am 5 weeks into growing from germination.. 2 out of 3 are looking great.. number 1 is the biggest number 2 is right behind and number 3 is the runt.. I'm not worried about the size but number 3 showed first signs of little mushrooms about 3 days ago.. I did use humidity domes in the 2 to week 4 of seedling phase.. basically a plastic freezer bag over the pot with a few good sized holes in the bag. No mold to speak of. About 3 days ago i had these 2 little mushrooms pop up in number 3. I carefully removed them and threw them in the trash.. 3 rooms over i mistakenly didnt throw it outside.. not sure if that's why just tonight i had number 1 and 2 have again 2 small little mushrooms pop up in them.. number 3 has none. I again carefully removed them with a spoon and an inch of soil surrounding and below just tonight. But I'm concerned.. I have been without humidity domes for about a week. But have now switched to a a humidifier since its winter here and I was averaging 25% inside the tent without the humidifier.. with I'm averaging 35% which i thought was optimal.. I have read shroomies growing means your soil is healthy but it still bothers me seeing as I will need to raise humidity in flower phase and I'll have to drop light from 18 hours to 12.. any help would be awesome. New to the forum but not to the growing game. Never had mushrooms in my soil
First 2 photos were of the runt about 3 days ago and the mushroom that sprouted. Last photo is my number. Which is thriving


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so wait, you're just kinda bothered by them? don't worry about mushrooms - they're a good sign - or just keep plucking them if there's too many and/or they're bothering you - that's ok too - they just really don't matter if you leave them or pluck em
I see no problem unless they begin to fill in. Just pluck the stems. No use or help. The web of mycillium is. And I can't spell that still. LOL.
Okay well that's re-assuring, I just have never had this issue so to me, seeing little mushrooms pop up was kind of a panic moment
thanks for the advice!
Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of mycelium.
Having mushrooms grow in your medium means there is a healthy mycelial mat growing in your medium - healthy enough to fruit!
That's a good sign, speaking to the health of your medium. It will help regulate PH.
A mycelial mat is a companion plant in your pot. It is actually attached to your roots, and is sharing biochemicals.
The Organic guys would high five you.
I began using the Glomus species of mycorrhizae because I wanted to prevent other, possibly parasitic fungi from moving in.
While the Glomus species of fungus is indeed a parasitic fungi, it works in harmony with the plant and is actually beneficial in soil environments where it is actually contributing. Using it in Hydro like I am now, it siphons from the plant slightly, but it is worth it to keep the mushies out. I also feel fungi help manage trace elements from broken down cellulose, and would rather have it there helping out.
Awesome to hear @DrBuzzFarmer Its deffinetly reassuring, I will keep doing what I'm doing.. they are thriving in week 5 for sure, i had one tiny little cap pop up during the 6 hour dark period today in plant number 2.. I will keep an eye on them and keep them under control.. do you think in later months when I switch to flowering phase of 12/12 they will be more of an issue given more dark time to sprout?


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They will run their life cycle.
I used to post regular pictures of mushrooms on instagram when they came up in my organic pots.
They run their life cycle and go away. (or you poison them with nutrients)
I've had a remarkable variety come up, some scary looking ones too! :)
I have not added any nutrients at all.. I usually dont.. but this run I might. Waiting on some new ph strips before I do that. Thanks for all the help @DrBuzzFarmer i will continue to share my progress with the little caps.. not that I mind the psychodelic ones occasionally just never have seen them pop up in my soil.. for sure one to remember and learn from
Baby mushroom seedlings are doing so well. I've seen one small mushroom since the last post.. disposed of it and surrounding soil outside of the house and havent seen any lately..


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Grab the "national geographic society book of mushrooms" Which is extremely informative about all mushrooms. Grow those shrooms along your weed. Harvest both. Do a spore print on the shrooms to verify if it's a psilocybin strain. If it is, then you be on your own magic carpet ride! LOL
I have head of people running a sealed shroom room (which produces CO2) and then piping that into their cannibas grow room! seems like a bit tricky set up and your environmental controls would be spendy to keep the different rooms but man it sounds sweet! #growgoals?
That is too good. My 80's igloo cooler sealed method would be the ticket for a smaller space. Air supplied by cool mist vaporizer and vented through silicone purge tubes. Just need to keep separate from plants and dehumid. Love creativity. TY.
I took them carefully out with a spoon about an inch of soil around and under them and disposed of them outside and I stopped seeing them, not sure if its because I removed them or if it's because I started adding nutrients but I havent seen one in about 6 weeks. I came to understand it was my soil screaming at me that it was healthy and full of organic life.. may not be the answer most people will want to hear but I look forward to seeing these little friends in my future grows
That is too good. My 80's igloo cooler sealed method would be the ticket for a smaller space. Air supplied by cool mist vaporizer and vented through silicone purge tubes. Just need to keep separate from plants and dehumid. Love creativity. TY.
I gotta get back into the shroom growing game... I guess you can just buy pre sterilized medium now and just inject it and go! seems like a no brainer
That is too good. My 80's igloo cooler sealed method would be the ticket for a smaller space. Air supplied by cool mist vaporizer and vented through silicone purge tubes. Just need to keep separate from plants and dehumid. Love creativity. TY.
shit... what am I saying... I used to order my spores from MI hahaha I am preaching to the choir here... DOH!
I gotta get back into the shroom growing game... I guess you can just buy pre sterilized medium now and just inject it and go! seems like a no brainer
I'm done. I had to hand correspond with a friend of a friend in FLA. Then to receive loose spores sealed in wax paper in a fake letter in the mail. Nasty laws. But easy if sterile. Cheap, quick and all you need at a large supermarket.

Good times.