Ag first grow. help is appreciated


Active Member
ok. the next set of leaves are starting to get that same problem. adding the nutes back tomorrow and actually switching to mh and flowering cycle now. thanks again for the tips fox and sicc. u guys da shit


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, hope she gets better, you and another grower are having the same problem, idk what it is, the nutes should help. give her a boost


Active Member
i think mine are getting there too. i just switched to the mh bulbs yesterday. ill put pics up soon of my setup


Active Member
fat. just got a thermometer and humility reader. it says the temp is 83 and the humitity is 40. shs looking lot better though


Active Member
400w of beast. haha the first day i had that bitch up i ghetto rigged the roll mylar (im using the thing u put on ur windshield that keeps the sun out) and the tape started to come undone and the mylar fell and touched the bulb for a bit and it burned a hole right through that bitch. luckily there was no fire or anything. shit. ill keep u guys posted


Active Member
hey guys. its been a couple days under the MH bulb. hasn't really seem like its gotten much taller but def looks a lot better than before. the bottom leave got a little yellow but everything else looks good.

Just flushed out the rez and gave it more nutes. hopein that helps a little

heres some pics



Well-Known Member
She's lookin a lil better, looks like she lost alot of leaves, might as well trim those dieing ones, maybe a re do in in order?


Well-Known Member
say rotwiler i was checking out your post reply to jen420 and i was looking at your photos of your hydro grow and the same little brown spots that you have on a couple of leaves are the same as mine have only im growing at the time in soil could you tell me what the problem was and what i should do about it my baby is a little over 2 weeks after sprouting from germ any help would be great thanx......stink1


Active Member
by a redo, do u mean start back over from scratch? if so maybe ill wait like a week and start a new biach


Well-Known Member
yea i was just saying, its gong to take a long time for her to recover, thats what i would do but its your decision


Well-Known Member
say rotwiler i was checking out your post reply to jen420 and i was looking at your photos of your hydro grow and the same little brown spots that you have on a couple of leaves are the same as mine have only im growing at the time in soil could you tell me what the problem was and what i should do about it my baby is a little over 2 weeks after sprouting from germ any help would be great thanx......stink1
More than likely it's going to be a pH problem.


Well-Known Member
im just saying its gonna take a while for it to recover, the pH is off, but again was just throwing it out there, i mean its only on plant, bagseed right