Aftermath of Irene


Active Member
So all my ladies except one made it. To my surprise the winds didnt damage them, but my spot flooded slightly. All the ladies are now standing upright after staking them. There about 4 weeks into flowering and some of the buds were in the mud along with fan leaves of course. I took the time to spray as much of the mud off each plant as possible, but some of the bud sites are still darkish in color due to the mud not the normal white you would expect at this stage in flowering. Will these buds be ok or are they a lost cause?
nobody is going to be able to tell you anything without pictures... why didnt you move them inside
im just going to take a guess and say that he didnt move them inside because it would be retarded to dig up plants out of the ground and take them inside. just a guess though. :shock::shock::shock::shock: