after trying dyna gro im switching back to advanced nutrients 2 part

Looks good Tree!
thanks. what sometimes happens is when my plants are real healthy i try raising the nutes up and then when the plants get burned im like what the fuck and then get kind of lazy with them cause there already fucked up. after dialing them in i think as long as i keep them at 300 the whole crop i should be all set this time. last crop i was like everyone thinks 300 is low so let me raise it to 350. didnt work my plants just got burned
FWIW, I know kite from other forums, he definitely knows his stuff. Unlike others who rack up 2k in posts over six months with no grow journals and no informative horticultural content in any of their posts, kite doesn't need to back up his words with pictures on a forum filled with people like those who started this thread.
FWIW, I know kite from other forums, he definitely knows his stuff. Unlike others who rack up 2k in posts over six months with no grow journals and no informative horticultural content in any of their posts, kite doesn't need to back up his words with pictures on a forum filled with people like those who started this thread.
you must be talkin about someone else cause i dont got 2k worth of posts in 5 years. your really starting to get annoying and your looking more and more biased every day. why dont you respond to the other people that agreed with my findings lol. whatever i dont even know why im arguing with you right now i got better stuff to do
see this is what im talkin about. i already posted pics and now people want more just to try to find a fuckin problem. 17 days using dg and i posted pics of a healthy plant to prove i was using dg correctly. was i using it correctly or not? who cares what happened after that i was able to tell that my plants were growing alot slower compared to using the 2 part. this was the point of this thread not to document a whole grow. are you really tryin to tell me that if you used another nute and your plants were a third smaller that you wouldnt be able to notice? 2 other people also said dg has slow veg growth what about that? you guys are starting to sound really ridiculous. im goin to the store to get batteries

sorry, if i pushed a button im not trying to start an argument here..i just like bud porn.
sorry, if i pushed a button im not trying to start an argument here..i just like bud porn.
its all good. its just annoying that when you give your opinion on something you got a bunch of people running there mouth cause there biased or just hate a certain company. everyone has the right to have an opinion without people insulting them
thanks. what sometimes happens is when my plants are real healthy i try raising the nutes up and then when the plants get burned im like what the fuck and then get kind of lazy with them cause there already fucked up. after dialing them in i think as long as i keep them at 300 the whole crop i should be all set this time. last crop i was like everyone thinks 300 is low so let me raise it to 350. didnt work my plants just got burned
do what works best for you if 300 is the sweet spot stick with it...i was talking to my hydro guy one time and i told him i max out at 500 and he was like thats to low i should have peak at 12-1500 and i just listen to him but im thinking to myself,shut the funk up and sell me my sure you will figure it out..
do what works best for you if 300 is the sweet spot stick with it...i was talking to my hydro guy one time and i told him i max out at 500 and he was like thats to low i should have peak at 12-1500 and i just listen to him but im thinking to myself,shut the funk up and sell me my sure you will figure it out..
exactly my hydro guy doesnt know shit either. thats why i dont listen to anyone anymore. look what happened when i listened to everyone and tried dyna gro. everyone said it was off the hook but i didnt see that. so many people think im crazy for keeping my shit at 300 lol. im about to switch to aero too i might have to lower it lol
I have a question I haven't read the whole thread just the first few pages so don't know if this has been asked? you say you switched back to AN because your plants were much smaller than they would normally be? the question is if your flipping from clones with no veg, what's your node spacing like? because the plant you put the pic up of looked very healthy and on course.
the problem I'm having is if you want your clones even taller without putting in the veg time how can you be sure the height difference is going to make a difference in the final yield? all I can imagine is a bunch of stretchy plants because the first pic you put up looked like it might have filled in nicely but would it still fill in the same with the extra stretch? I'm thinking taller plants doesn't mean bigger yields. Don't know if that makes sense to you? I'm gonna read the whole thread in a little bit when I get chance. I should add I've read all of HB's threads and they are very well done in all aspects and shows what and how a side by side should be done in regards to documenting the info.
I have a question I haven't read the whole thread just the first few pages so don't know if this has been asked? you say you switched back to AN because your plants were much smaller than they would normally be? the question is if your flipping from clones with no veg, what's your node spacing like? because the plant you put the pic up of looked very healthy and on course.
the problem I'm having is if you want your clones even taller without putting in the veg time how can you be sure the height difference is going to make a difference in the final yield? all I can imagine is a bunch of stretchy plants because the first pic you put up looked like it might have filled in nicely but would it still fill in the same with the extra stretch? I'm thinking taller plants doesn't mean bigger yields. Don't know if that makes sense to you? I'm gonna read the whole thread in a little bit when I get chance. I should add I've read all of HB's threads and they are very well done in all aspects and shows what and how a side by side should be done in regards to documenting the info.
w dragon i disagree with you on homebrewers threads. the plants he grew with conni were burned to a crisp and it looks like a bomb went off in there i dont consider that a good comparison. i thought he was right too before i tried dyna but now i see

im looking at my yield now and my yield is gonna be lower than last crop. even though i only used dg for 17 days its amazing how it affected my crop later in flower in a negative way as far as bud size and crystals go. the crystals arent there like my last crop
FWIW, I know kite from other forums, he definitely knows his stuff. Unlike others who rack up 2k in posts over six months with no grow journals and no informative horticultural content in any of their posts, kite doesn't need to back up his words with pictures on a forum filled with people like those who started this thread.

This is actually kinda funny cause you are the one who's always screaming that you want to see pics to prove that someone knows how to grow. You've actually done it about 3 times in this same thread. You claim that you want to see pics to prove that someone can grow healthy plants.

If you know Kite from other forums then please post a link to these posts in other forums. I mean it shouldn't be that hard if you "know" him and he's not your - ugh excuse me - a ghost account.

Funny how you like to point out that anyone that disagrees with you has "No Horticultural" knowledge. According to you and based on your high and mighty standards pretty much no one on this site has horticultural knowledge. Please feel free to go through my recent posts...I'm sure you'll find pics of very healthy looking plants and buds. But you can talk all the shit you want bro...still seems very fishy the photos in your so called "vs." grows. A lot of those pics look to be the same plants but in different grow journals. And why is it that you never see a picture of the 2 buds in any comparison grow side by side? Maybe you do but I sure couldn't find one. Plus, why is it that the plants ALL look the same throughout the different journals. Even the walls and setup and everything. Even if you are a MASTER your room changes a little over time. But I'm not about to go through your threads pulling out pics that are suspicious. And you always talk about how you have "patients" to sell to but it always seems like your grows are just a few plants. Seems weird to me. No offense but you are just another arrogant internet clown who's online persona has taken over his real life and I have better ways to spend my time. Your obnoxious comments and the audacity of your claims to be one of the only real growers that know's what he is talking about just goes to prove my point.

I've personally seen you accuse several growers of working for AN and claim that numerous other growers have no horticultural experience. Is this your defense mechanism when anyone disagrees with you?

And don't get me started on your constant peddling of Dyna Grow. It's borderline embarrassing. You show up in any thread that mentions the word Dyna Grow and start dropping the same pics everytime. I haven't once seen you not talk about Dyna Grow in a thread. If you are really in search of the truth then why not try some of the other nute companies? In REAL side by side comparison grows?

Just saying are suspect. Now go ahead and blast me all you want. I really don't care. Unlike you, my real life persona plays a much larger role in my personal satisfaction than my internet forum account.

Have at about the pics you haven't seen or the problems I had getting seedlings to pop or whatever you want. You're on my ignore list anyway at this point.
HomeBrewer documented his ratio's and his conni plants were looking right on track until the latter half of flower, it's been a while since I read the thread so don't remember exactly how things went as I watched it as it went along but remember something about the ratio's being out due to them supposed to be added in equal amounts??? could be wrong mate, as I said it's been a while but he did document everything and the info is there for the checking and dissecting.
I'm still wondering about your plant heights and node spacing though mate? if you've answered the question no worries I'll be reading the whole thread soon enough and have subbed to see how things move along. I'm just wondering if the height difference you mentioned would reflect in the final yield? the reason I'm struggling to picture the extra height being beneficial is due to the node spacing and the strain filling in as the first plant pic you put up looked like it could have possibly been a little tighter but looked like it would have done well to me relative to it's size mate? just looking for a little education if you will.
HomeBrewer documented his ratio's and his conni plants were looking right on track until the latter half of flower, it's been a while since I read the thread so don't remember exactly how things went as I watched it as it went along but remember something about the ratio's being out due to them supposed to be added in equal amounts??? could be wrong mate, as I said it's been a while but he did document everything and the info is there for the checking and dissecting.
I'm still wondering about your plant heights and node spacing though mate? if you've answered the question no worries I'll be reading the whole thread soon enough and have subbed to see how things move along. I'm just wondering if the height difference you mentioned would reflect in the final yield? the reason I'm struggling to picture the extra height being beneficial is due to the node spacing and the strain filling in as the first plant pic you put up looked like it could have possibly been a little tighter but looked like it would have done well to me relative to it's size mate? just looking for a little education if you will.
im talkin about overall veg growth and height at the same time. i tried dyna gro grow in flower and on my moms and the plants grow very slowly. i think homebrewer reposted his pics of his ak grown with conni in this thread. take a look at those plants and tell me he didnt burn those to a crisp. also alot of the time problems dont show right away it takes time thats why im not surprised the burning didnt happen for a few weeks. how often you water matters too
exactly my hydro guy doesnt know shit either. thats why i dont listen to anyone anymore. look what happened when i listened to everyone and tried dyna gro. everyone said it was off the hook but i didnt see that. so many people think im crazy for keeping my shit at 300 lol. im about to switch to aero too i might have to lower it lol

yeah my guy just wants me to burn the shitz out of my plants so he can sell me something else to try to recover them...i have a question for ya at what ratio did ya use the DG produts?iv'e seem to notice les is better,and the K.I.S.S. method always works..
yeah my guy just wants me to burn the shitz out of my plants so he can sell me something else to try to recover them...i have a question for ya at what ratio did ya use the DG produts?iv'e seem to notice les is better,and the K.I.S.S. method always works..
i started at 50% grow and 50% bloom at 300 ppm. i didnt like what i sawas far as growth rates so i added more grow and eventually ended up at around 400 ppm. after that i noticed some tip burn so i backed off
yeah my guy just wants me to burn the shitz out of my plants so he can sell me something else to try to recover them...i have a question for ya at what ratio did ya use the DG produts?iv'e seem to notice les is better,and the K.I.S.S. method always works..

LOL! Burn baby burn..that's funny. I'm still trying to figure out why none of the nute companies change the dosages on their bottles. Everyone know they are just WAY to high. Do they want people to burn their crops?
Looks like we got lost in translation somewhere mate I thought you were referring to the size of your clones that were in flower not your mother plants. I saw the burning on them and I don't grow hydroponically so couldn't really guess one way or the other how long damage takes to show in F&D I've only grown in coco and soil and have generally seen burnt tips in a few days with both when raising feeding levels but don't know about other methods as I have yet to try them out.
Looks like we got lost in translation somewhere mate I thought you were referring to the size of your clones that were in flower not your mother plants. I saw the burning on them and I don't grow hydroponically so couldn't really guess one way or the other how long damage takes to show in F&D I've only grown in coco and soil and have generally seen burnt tips in a few days with both when raising feeding levels but don't know about other methods as I have yet to try them out.
i was referring to my plants in flower they were a third smaller after the stretch when using the dyna. i was just adding that info about the moms just to show i tried it a few times in different setups