New Member
Grower skill is the single most important component in indoor growing. Do you think these plants can water, feed, harvest and cure themselves while maintaining an optimal environment? Saying 'strain is everything' is like saying those drivers don't do anything in those NASCAR races. Genetics are important but they are rarely the weak link.
In all likelihood, you're still figuring things out while blaming everything except yourself for your short comings. Hey, how about some pictures of that killing fields that you didn't like yet everyone else raves about.
While we're waiting for your killing fields pictures, here is some OG13 that got harvested today (from seed, first time growing her):
In regards to potency/quality, I'd be more than willing to go head to head. Who shall be our judge?
A tad bit to much chlorafill for me. You might try cutting back on the dyna grow grow to bloom ratio near the end a bit LOL.. But if you bring your Ak I will put 500 on Tree Kings Chemdog.