after trying dyna gro im switching back to advanced nutrients 2 part

tree king

Well-Known Member
I remember when I first joined this site over two years ago and I was accused of working for Nirvana seeds because they're a great value. I was accused of owning a hydro store because I told another group of newbs that 16 ounce DIY co2 concoctions don't produce enough co2 to do anything, and I was also accused of being dutch though I can't remember why. I may have at one point been accused of working for GH because I used them for years and my message was still the same in regards to skipping high-priced cannabis-specific plant foods.

Search my posts, the accusations from those who'd rather throw money at their problems than educate themselves are sill flying and that's honestly laughable. Hey nug, I'm testing Canna's plant food in a new journal tomorrow. I'll be using grodan rockwool cubes, a canfilter will scrub the air, a bigbox store supplied the equipment needed to build my hydro setup, clonex was used to root my cuttings which grew in botanicare hydro gutters, vortex fans will push and pull all the air and I may throw in some GH additives, who do I work for now?

The only thing I wanted to see out of this thread was pictures of Tree's plants at harvest which would tell us all if he's worthy of voicing an opinion about anything pertaining to growing plants. He's not posting those pics, you do the math.
this thread was never about harvest pics it was about the slow vegetative growth of dyna gro and when i posted pics of healthy plants grown with dyna for 17 days that should of been the end of it but i understand your biased and are trying to find something to talk shit about thats why i didnt post harvest pics this time. homebrewer also talked trash about phillips harvest pictures and the buds looked better than his buds in my opinion. a couple other people in this thread also agreed with me saying plants veg slow with dyna so im not just pulling this out of thin air


New Member
I remember when I first joined this site over two years ago and I was accused of working for Nirvana seeds because they're a great value. I was accused of owning a hydro store because I told another group of newbs that 16 ounce DIY co2 concoctions don't produce enough co2 to do anything, and I was also accused of being dutch though I can't remember why. I may have at one point been accused of working for GH because I used them for years and my message was still the same in regards to skipping high-priced cannabis-specific plant foods.

Search my posts, the accusations from those who'd rather throw money at their problems than educate themselves are sill flying and that's honestly laughable. Hey nug, I'm testing Canna's plant food in a new journal tomorrow. I'll be using grodan rockwool cubes, a canfilter will scrub the air, a bigbox store supplied the equipment needed to build my hydro setup, clonex was used to root my cuttings which grew in botanicare hydro gutters, vortex fans will push and pull all the air and I may throw in some GH additives, who do I work for now?

The only thing I wanted to see out of this thread was pictures of Tree's plants at harvest which would tell us all if he's worthy of voicing an opinion about anything pertaining to growing plants. He's not posting those pics, you do the math.
you aren't the thread police. this is his thread. if you don't like the info he is sharing then just go leave it at that. who are you to troll someone elses thread claiming you want to see pics? who annointed you the supreme ruler of the cannibus growers? he's asked you to leave numerous times and you still keep coming back? why? i sure don't like being somewhere i'm not welcome. this is his thread and you should just leave. it's been pages after pages of you talking shit to him. that's being a troll man. you've said your peace; just let it rest. this is why i think you get paid by dyna. no one defends a company like that dude unless they are paid to do so. it just looks really suspicious. you would think he called yoru daughter a slut or something.


New Member
this thread was never about harvest pics it was about the slow vegetative growth of dyna gro and when i posted pics of healthy plants grown with dyna for 17 days that should of been the end of it but i understand your biased and are trying to find something to talk shit about thats why i didnt post harvest pics this time. homebrewer also talked trash about phillips harvest pictures and the buds looked better than his buds in my opinion. a couple other people in this thread also agreed with me saying plants veg slow with dyna
those bud pics didn't look better. all 3 of those grows WERE better than anything i have ever seen in homebrewer's grows. homebrewer grows great plants too but those buds were sick and homebrewer knew it. no matter what pics they were he was gonna talk shit about them.

tree king

Well-Known Member
those bud pics didn't look better. all 3 of those grows WERE better than anything i have ever seen in homebrewer's grows. homebrewer grows great plants too but those buds were sick and homebrewer knew it. no matter what pics they were he was gonna talk shit about them.
yes sir! phillips shit is legit no doubt. thanks for catching my back nuglets


Well-Known Member
you aren't the thread police. this is his thread. if you don't like the info he is sharing then just go leave it at that. who are you to troll someone elses thread claiming you want to see pics? who annointed you the supreme ruler of the cannibus growers? he's asked you to leave numerous times and you still keep coming back? why? i sure don't like being somewhere i'm not welcome. this is his thread and you should just leave. it's been pages after pages of you talking shit to him. that's being a troll man. you've said your peace; just let it rest. this is why i think you get paid by dyna. no one defends a company like that dude unless they are paid to do so. it just looks really suspicious. you would think he called yoru daughter a slut or something.
Actually, if you read through my posts in this thread you'll see I rarely refer to DG but instead relentlessly hammer home the point that someone acting as an authority on a subject needs to have their opinion put into context. If someone can't keep a plant healthy for a flowering period then that speaks volumes about their skill level and the weight of their opinion.

But you do have a point, I've said my peace and I'm beating a dead horse. I'll leave you with these from my stash ;):

Peruvian Haze...


112 day kali mist....

The purp...


tree king

Well-Known Member
yep, some people just don't know when to take their ball and go home. buds look nice. phil's are still better. he wins. you lose.
lol yup, all i keep seeing from you is pictures of airy ass buds homebrewer. the more pics you post the more horrible you make dyna gro look. i had nothin to do last night so i re read this thread from the beginning and every picture you posted the buds were airy. i dont want buds like that i need dense fat crystally buds and thats what AN delivers. phillips shit is much better theres no comparison. my buds look better than that also even though you think i dont know what im doin


Well-Known Member
lol yup, all i keep seeing from you is pictures of airy ass buds homebrewer. the more pics you post the more horrible you make dyna gro look. i had nothin to do last night so i re read this thread from the beginning and every picture you posted the buds were airy. i dont want buds like that i need dense fat crystally buds and thats what AN delivers. phillips shit is much better theres no comparison. my buds look better than that also even though you think i dont know what im doin
I would not be the least bit surprised if you didn't know the difference between indicas and sativas and how that relates to bud structure and potency :lol:.

tree king

Well-Known Member
I would not be the least bit surprised if you didn't know the difference between indicas and sativas and how that relates to bud structure and potency :lol:.
i know alot more than you think i know. i knew the differences 15 years ago. i know the mist is gonna be kind of airy but every other pic you posted looks similar even on mostly indicas

tree king

Well-Known Member
i'd wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you were getting paid by dyna for every post. thought you were leaving?
me neither. i never met a person before that gets so mad just cause you think another nutrient is better than the one he uses lol. he's either a know it all or an employee


Well-Known Member
Actually, if you read through my posts in this thread you'll see I rarely refer to DG but instead relentlessly hammer home the point that someone acting as an authority on a subject needs to have their opinion put into context. If someone can't keep a plant healthy for a flowering period then that speaks volumes about their skill level and the weight of their opinion.

But you do have a point, I've said my peace and I'm beating a dead horse. I'll leave you with these from my stash ;):

Peruvian Haze...


112 day kali mist....

The purp...

Hey HB those strains that you grew, all i can say WOW !! they re def my preference to smoke it. Im pretty sure a lot of people dont understand depth of strains that you grow to maxium within their coded genetics, thats not many growers can achieve. Its very richly to smoke this great herb. I grew those plants but unmatch to yours ! Hope one day i can :D

Peepz, Homebrewer know whats he doing. With all the respect for this OP , TreeKing, Homebrewer is cool dude with mad talented, hes def not saleman for any companies !

Happy growing and peace

tree king

Well-Known Member
izoc i tried the nutes and i wasnt impressed what more is there to say. how talented can he really be if he thinks dyna gro are the best nutes. i respectfully disagree with you im not impressed by those pics. il take phillips buds


Well-Known Member
izoc i tried the nutes and i wasnt impressed what more is there to say. i respectfully disagree with you im not impressed by those pics. il take phillips buds
Sure I understand, Treeking. you will find out when you mix the ratios correctly with few MLs per gallon, after all its very strong conceration than any liquid fertilzers but thats just me that i find it incredibly easy to mix in any medium. More important is no defs issue when im using this DG products , it got 6 marco and 10 mirco nutrients thats perfect formula for cannabis s need, JHMO.

TreeKing, Im glad that you found right fertilizer for you then its all good ! as long as you got medicine for yourself, like i said before, more POWER to you !! Let ya know Homebrewer is 100% real straight, im not kissing his ass NADA but upmost respect for him. He wont be here if hes really want to help ya out and try to make you understand thats it.

Happy growing and peace

tree king

Well-Known Member
nice one tree. hombrewer trying the same old "know it all" on other forums now. getting squshed there as well. that's too funny. he uses the same bs arguments for every nute. if i gotta here anymore about "snake oils" or see those stupid ass college papers he keeps posting. ridiculous.
lol you seen bobby's pics? fuckin ill!