After life

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I will be with all the people I have loved and lost, I wont hurt or worry about things anymore and please god I won't be so tired. Life will be a breeze in more ways than one.:clap:
...nicely done.

...also, does anyone call you Grammy, or Grams maybe? I think it'd make sense :)

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I think we move up in the hierarchy and help other people. I can say that I feel like I am not in this life on my own...there's a higher intelligence at work in my life. So, yeah, move up - then help others move up. The reason this makes sense to me is because I don't think there is ever an end to learning / unfolding. The top of one level of description is the bottom of another, and so on.


New Member
In Ojibway/Ottawa Indian language and culture we refer to the Creator as the great mystery and all of life is a mystery too .. I often contemplate the Hopi Prophets words of multiple worlds beyond this one and it puts my soul at ease for one afterlife might grow old :)


Well-Known Member
Just courious to hear some of your guys answers as too what you all think the after life is going to be like.

Personally I believe in A god. I'm not sure which one but there has to be a god of some kind up there.
Up where?

There's no way this just happened. Life's too beautiful too just be a mistake.
just happened != mistake. In what ways is life beautiful? Define the words. IMO, life is harsh and quite cruel,
So let's hear what you think life after death would be like.
Death will be and feel the same as what it was like before you were born. Since you already experienced that, you should be able to tell us what it is like.


Well-Known Member
...I think we move up in the hierarchy and help other people. I can say that I feel like I am not in this life on my own...there's a higher intelligence at work in my life. So, yeah, move up - then help others move up. The reason this makes sense to me is because I don't think there is ever an end to learning / unfolding. The top of one level of description is the bottom of another, and so on.
You finally get a piece of the Pie...



Up where?

just happened != mistake. In what ways is life beautiful? Define the words. IMO, life is harsh and quite cruel,
Death will be and feel the same as what it was like before you were born. Since you already experienced that, you should be able to tell us what it is like.
No the people make it cold and cruel, just look around there are some beautiful sights out there this world is lovely. The ignorant ass people who think the world revolves around them are whats fuckin it up


Was life cold and cruel when you were 5 years old? No so what the hell happened? You grew up and saw how people can really be like, just out to get there own and take what they don't need.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Alot of people want exhibit A and B neatly sealed up in a ziplock baggie.

Alot of other people on the other hand is best to qoute Julius Caesar: "Men willingly believe what they wish".

I on the other hand use my logic,and skepticism to pursue all avenues.

I also have been lucky to glean things that others would vehemently deny.

If one gets there head out what others try to put in your head,and connect the dots,the truth will unfold,but not for others who do not get off the worn path.

To put things simply there is a physicalverse,and a hyperverse that is absent of both time,and space unlike the physicalverse present.

Of course people of religion,and atheism will look at me as if I have two heads.To me that is the perfect analogy because I see our thoughts/minds as having a duelistic existence,except one is infinate.

I am a firm believer in reincarnation,but what I believe does not come in a sealed baggy one can touch,and go "heh".

I touch minorly on the afterlife on my playlist in my sig.



Well-Known Member
Just courious to hear some of your guys answers as too what you all think the after life is going to be like.

Personally I believe in A god. I'm not sure which one but there has to be a god of some kind up there. There's no way this just happened. Life's too beautiful too just be a mistake.

So let's hear what you think life after death would be like.
I don't believe there is life after death, but I'll give my two cents on what I believe a Heaven should be like, or what mine would look like...

Pain would not exist, as your physical self would never require repair and it would be immune to the dangers of existence. Mental disorders and emotional torment would not exist, you would always be happy because, since you have free will, you've been given the ability to decide for yourself what your own personal idea of happiness is and an unlimited amount of personal power to create it. Be it 5 of the sexiest women at your service like me or spending an evening watching reruns of Happy Days like you did when you were a kid with your parents, whatever you've decided Heaven should be, so long as it meets certain moral requirements, that's what it is.

Those requirements would be obvious things like "don't kill anyone, don't rape anyone, don't steal from anyone, etc." basically, what the 10 commandments should have been but fucked up on.. There would be a list of everything important, all the way up to the end of mankind, because like the ancients didn't know anything about computer fraud, we can't perceive what crime could be considered an immoral act in the future, today, because we can't anticipate or predict the technology of the future. Given a supreme being exists with control of everything, I would expect it to be capable of this.

Ego would not exist. Compassion, empathy, recognition, appreciation, would supercede it.

That feeling you get when you hear an unbelievably awesome song, shit you never knew could exist, something you're shocked as hell to find out you didn't know about before, is magnified by 1,000! The feeling you get when you're peeking on MDMA is magnified by 1,000,000 and you never build up a tolerance to it! Your favorite food, it turns out he has a cousin, and he's brought his friends, now you have 10,000 to choose from, equally as delicious! And the good thing is, you have an unlimited amount of time to taste them all! Boredom? No, Such, Thing, Son! Boredom doesn't exist.

You're told what is good and why, you're left with an inarguable confirmation of your own trek through life, inarguable using your own intellect as well as an explanation from the supreme being, it is right, because why it's right can't be morally argued. You're left completely content with what you did and why you did it. Everything you've ever done is morally justified.

You kick it with the coolest motherfuckers who've ever lived, the people, movie stars, family, friends, comedians, and even fictional characters. All your pets that passed during your life are there, as happy to see you as ever!

You're met with anyone who has ever wronged you during your life and their explanation and sincere apology regarding why.

You can fly, become invisible on command, and have super strength during your stay

You have the ability to choose to turn Heaven on or off at any time, during your time off, you experience what one would experience at death with one caveat, you have the ability to turn life back on. I understand this ability requires quite a bit of contradiction. This is the one and only ability you possess that doesn't require a somewhat logical explanation. You simply have it.

TL;DR: Everything is your own perception of perfection, whatever that may be


Well-Known Member
Its probably too far beyond our human senses to even try and describe what the afterlife is going to be like. I dont think theres gunna be one god, or any being, that has power over another, not even the Creator.
There'll be some damn republican trying to run things sure as shit.. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in an afterlife... You shouldn't do good things because you will get something in you afterlife... You should do good things because you want good things for the people you love... Being good is about helping others... not yourself.


Well-Known Member
No the people make it cold and cruel, just look around there are some beautiful sights out there this world is lovely. The ignorant ass people who think the world revolves around them are whats fuckin it up
What people? You appear to read my words without actually considering their meaning. People don't make life cruel, the whole history of life is one of violence and mass extinctions. I made no mention of humanity, but that is where you went, while avoiding explaining your very subjective idea that life is beautiful. The ability to see beauty in the world doesn't equate to life itself being beautiful. You are making a quite disjointed connection and feeling satisfied as if it were self-evident.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Just courious to hear some of your guys answers as too what you all think the after life is going to be like.

Personally I believe in A god. I'm not sure which one but there has to be a god of some kind up there. There's no way this just happened. Life's too beautiful too just be a mistake.

So let's hear what you think life after death would be like.
remember what it was like before you were born or even conceived, that is what it will be like .

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
What people? You appear to read my words without actually considering their meaning. People don't make life cruel, the whole history of life is one of violence and mass extinctions. I made no mention of humanity, but that is where you went, while avoiding explaining your very subjective idea that life is beautiful. The ability to see beauty in the world doesn't equate to life itself being beautiful. You are making a quite disjointed connection and feeling satisfied as if it were self-evident.
If you're happy then life is beautiful, if not then life is shit. Everyone is gunna have a different answer to that question and that answer will be right for them. It kinda looks like you think your view on life should be the only acceptable explanation, you gotta understand that your view on life is your view and no one elses.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
If you're happy then life is beautiful, if not then life is shit. Everyone is gunna have a different answer to that question and that answer will be right for them. It kinda looks like you think your view on life should be the only acceptable explanation, you gotta understand that your view on life is your view and no one elses.
You said exactly what he said... just in different words. I don't think Minkphuk is asking anyone to see life or existence the way he sees it, merely to try to empathize with him. Let your brain taste the thoughts of others, that's how we learn from each other and get to know one another. It's exactly how we give each other comfort in an existence where certainty is not a privilege for anyone of us.

I just like the fact that no one here has yet said those disgusting words i hear too many say every day;

"I am certain there is an afterlife." "I am certain there is no afterlife."

Those are two of the most fear filled answers anyone can dream up. Thank you everyone for being courageous enough to admit that what we think is true... may very well turn out not to be true, and what we think is false, may very well turn out to be true... when dealing with unanswerable metaphysical questions.

You all get my applause.