After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

done all I can do about.:peace:

Im not picking on you nuggs. he just asked why someone would care and I stated why I would if it were me. Moderator will do it no biggie Im sure.

Honestly. I really wish shit would change more. It has changed a ton since I was put in jail for it years ago but im about sick of the negative connotations that live on in regards to mj.

BTW... no one deserves time for possession. so stupid.

More of us need to get elected into office and power. when you have power you can change things. The real problem we have is that the RIGHT people are not the ones who are seeking power...

Double JJ for Governer! :-)

tangent over
absolutely He is correct. I shouldn't have posted his picture. actually I was posting the pig and JJ. I got into one of the pic last year too. didn't think about others in the picture. Sorry buddy. hope Sunni will take them down for you.
nobody knows anyone's names at the bbq...we weren't wearing name tags & we weren't doing anything to be worked up about. He was just standing there....what's wrong with that?

For the record i am not mad at nuggs at all. Just dont want my pic up that's all. I dont need friends or family or work knowing about this. Thanks nuggs for takin the pics down. You the man!!!
@ruby fruit LOL I know you were joking man. I am just all about redheads. ;)

Im not offended at all. Please no one make it more tha that. Just was asking to cut my face out even if you want to keep the pic up.
All good adower its just my humour playing out....glad u guys work your shit out properly...if this was would have started a war.
Have a gd day everyone !
Not at all ive been to the last 4 bbq.. If you were still working corrections would you want your pic up at something like this?
I would understand if you were doing something incriminating. As far as I can tell you loo like a spectator....just walked by to have a look...if you were hitting a bong it would be different. You were just standing there, not doing anything, just looking