after germination?


New Member
what is a good growing medium for a seed after it's germinated? im thinking of having a DWC (deep water culture) hydroponic setup.

how big should the soilless medium be? i want to have nearly an aeroponic system to maximize O2 to the roots, but use a DWC method for supply nutes and h20 to the root system.


Well-Known Member
How the hell do you rack up 262 posts and not know this? Must be an outdoor kid.

Seed goes into a little rockwool cube, you raise it to a seedling. Then place the cube into hydroton (lil' clay spheres). You can get by with the small net pot, I prefer the three inch ones, but I am sure there are smaller ones.


New Member
some real assholes on this site. so much sarcasm it's unbelievable. if a question is irritating to you why the fck do you respond? ive grown in soil only and want to try an aero or hydro setup, sry for the stupid question. i was asking what's the "best" medium, i know i can grow it in just about anything so relax.


Active Member
The best thing you can do with hydro is to use as little rockwool as possible. Rockwool moulds and i just dont like it.

If you must use rockwool use the Tiny plugs and sit them under the clay pebbles (if your using them).

I use these;

Put you seed/cutting in these trays. Its like soil but not quite, its more of a foam. Ive never had bad results with these and they cost fack all.


New Member
yeah i saw these at walmart and thc labs in canada uses these for cloning. i think theyre called peat pellets. i was goin to try these. i just wasnt sure what to use after i saw the root system grow outside the cylinder.