Africa in the house


Well-Known Member
Sup ppl:weed:

I think this forum is the best thing ive come accross on the net! I dont even smoke weed really to be honest but growing the stuff has become an obsession!

If anyone wants to check out my grow its in the not going to well at the moment but im trying to get my lil ones to pull thru:)


Well-Known Member
Represent!!! lol jk

What part of Africa you reside in?

I really don't know much about that entire continent, what's goin on over there right now?


Well-Known Member
Haha sup pada

Well we just hosted the soccer world cup here recently! was extremely festive and an amazing experience, met quite a few tourists who smoked weed so they shared their experiences to me about overseas weed


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can find sum pretty potent bud if you know where to look and who to ask:)

The law doesnt let u but the cops if they catch u will either fine u, lock u up and then fine u, take it for themselves, confiscate it or just not care......the drugs this side that are a prob is called 'Tik' which is meth crystals and it quite a prob in sum parts here