Afghan National Army STILL getting baked before patrols


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has followed the last almost decade in Afghanistan has probably seen pictures or videos of our (sometimes) allies, the Afghan National Army smoking either hashish or opium right before patrols. For some weird reason I figured that when these videos got out (first started coming out in like 2004) the Americans would start cracking down on shit like this.

I love pot but there is a time and place for everything. Right before going into combat, especially with the lives of yourself and your friends on the line seems like probably the worst time to get high.

Don't know about you guys but the idea of a stoned stranger of questionable loyalty behind me with a loaded machine gun.


Well-Known Member
the type of work i do is VERY dangerous-

mostly it involves shooting alot of guns, high in the air. we don't wear safety harnesses, and get baked first always. in fact to do what i do you HAVE to be high.

all the guys that do this kind of thing for very long are pretty profesional. get baked, get in, get it done, get out.