Afghan does it look ??

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
82 days since I flipped to 12/12 but I've experienced quite a few problems and set backs so they are runnin a little behind and they didn't actually produce the first pistils till a few weeks after I flipped the light . If u wanna know more just read thru the original post on page one for a sec. My cab is only 2 2/1 ft wide 4ft long and 3.75 ft tall , I wish I coulda vegged longer but they were 8 or 9 in when I got em as clones so I vegged for two weeks then flipped to 12 n 12. I'm about to cut em in about an hour. All the trichs are milky. One side cola at the bottom has a few amber but the rest of the plant doesn't. They're starting to foxtail and white pistils are poopin up so I'm cuttin them bitches. Its been two weeks of strait water now so wish me luck. Thx for ur response. Sorry for ramblin man I'm pretty stoned. Got some mystery bud from my boy and its great. Wish I knew what it was called Thx for lookin and ur response tho. Peace

