Afghan Dream


Well-Known Member
Its not rooted yet is all. Keep the dome on and the misting up.

Try and not mist the plant quite as much. Keep the dome constantly misted.

The humidity needs to be high so the plant can get moisture from the air. Try and keep on a schedule.

Mist the leaves in the am and pm and LIGHTLY water the dirt when it dries out. This will encourage root development which is the name of the game.


Well-Known Member
the root thing is true, it is the plan.

but my bottom leafs turn yellow, right about the same time my roots hit, some strains more then others.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Awesome, i am gonna keep the plant under the dome and not worry, i'm sure it will work itself out either way, not like i can hurt it with a dome, lol. right?

Thanks again guys, love the advice


Well-Known Member
Yeah makes sense.

The yellowing of the leaves is most likely, as mentioned, the plant feeding itself from stored nutrients in lower leaves. Totally normal. Make sure you dont get over zealous and clip those leaves off! The plant is feeding itself.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Thats good you said that, i was just gonna chop em off cause they looked ugly, i don't know what i'm thinking sometimes, lol. hopefully i'll start getting some more growth soon! Reg pic update on the grow tommorow


Well-Known Member
That's awesome man. I can really get a feel for what the grow is like now... I didn't have any scale before.

It's funny too, I thought you had a light leak or something in the back, but you have a 4' flouro... what light is that back there? I'm sure I've read about it, but all these pot gardens blend together after time. Honestly, I need to check my journal and stuff to remember where my plants are even at.... aren't you glad I'm not in charge of air traffic control or something. That would not be good.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
So in addition to the video i posted, i had a rare chance to use my buddies camera which takes better pics then my own. So i decided to take afew and post



Well-Known Member
Looking through all the pictures I think it's official there is no shortage of hairs on all your buds. They all have blonde afro's, haha.

The stems on those things are pretty massive too. Also your leaves are beautiful, big and well defined.

Do you know what the leaf curling thing is... are those the first signs of finishing do you think? I saw it was only on a few.

Nice pics. Nice plants. Say thanks to your buddy for us. He should really just give you the camera, you need it for more important things.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Looking through all the pictures I think it's official there is no shortage of hairs on all your buds. They all have blonde afro's, haha.

The stems on those things are pretty massive too. Also your leaves are beautiful, big and well defined.

Do you know what the leaf curling thing is... are those the first signs of finishing do you think? I saw it was only on a few.

Nice pics. Nice plants. Say thanks to your buddy for us. He should really just give you the camera, you need it for more important things.
All the curling are from one plant in the corner, because they all have had the same conditions i am assuming it is a intolerance to something i have done that is built in to the gentics, thoguh they are all the same strain. I love these hairs i'm getting, lol, if you go back and look at my first post, there is a pic from the seed compnay i bought them from, its holding true.

So i would love more input to what people think is going on with all that curling, i have no idea why, though i have caused them alot of pain in my newbishness, lol.

i'm tryin to work something out now for the camera, lol


Well-Known Member
nice buds man i just started growing myself and i hope it works out well. and good luck to your future growing ops

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
i hear you there always nice to hear your hard work is on the up and up. I believe we both had problems with are lights and how hot its gets in there, but cooltubes will fix that for us. Your Afghan is looking crazy compaired to mine i know you have Dream and i have Kush but you can see a differeance, then you growing in soil and i am in hydro. This is what i love about RIU you can see all different grows with the same strain.


Well-Known Member
Very nice plants you have there. I also use the Fox Farm line of nutrients and I couldnt be happier. Im glad to see youve learned the importance of proper ph. I just read your whole journal and I started to get worried at the begining when you werent testing the ph. I wanted to post a message or something but I had to read the whole thread first to see what would happen next....
Your clones are looking good too! Takes forever when you sit and stare:shock: haha. Just a little time is all they need.
Good luck man Ill be following your grow.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Thank you very much Dopeysstoned and Bigtomatofamer and welcome!! I didt think it was so important but i really did find out the hard way! now its me and hulk making cool tubes, hulk i will be contacting you via PM very soon to hget a clue how to go about this.

Also Big... thank you for reading my whole grow, thats awesome, and time consuming, lol, but i hope it was a decent read, all comments welcome on this journel!!