afgahn mafia

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Using the toaster is a better idea.

Stoney: bummer, you're talking about the dreaded episiotomy. Ick. Had no idea that some women feel that when the barometric pressure drops. Bummer. Nope, you're right. Kegels will not cure that.

Tips, you like cream cheese on it? You are one strange bird.

Buy lighters in big packs or learn how to steal them from friends! A bf of mine from high school once told me: you never BUY lighters; you acquire them.

I must be a really good thief right now, because I'm lighter wealthy. In fact, yesterday at the store, some poor guy was bummed to find out that the store had no matches to go with the smokes he'd just bought. They have lighters, but only for sale. So? I gave him one of my collection. He said, "Bless you." Seriously. Yes, bless me for helping someone else charr his lungs.


New Member
Using the toaster is a better idea.

Stoney: bummer, you're talking about the dreaded episiotomy. Ick. Had no idea that some women feel that when the barometric pressure drops. Bummer. Nope, you're right. Kegels will not cure that.

Tips, you like cream cheese on it? You are one strange bird.

Buy lighters in big packs or learn how to steal them from friends! A bf of mine from high school once told me: you never BUY lighters; you acquire them.

I must be a really good thief right now, because I'm lighter wealthy. In fact, yesterday at the store, some poor guy was bummed to find out that the store had no matches to go with the smokes he'd just bought. They have lighters, but only for sale. So? I gave him one of my collection. He said, "Bless you." Seriously. Yes, bless me for helping someone else charr his lungs.
hey LG...I go from one extreme to the other on lighters.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
me too; that's why I know how to use the toaster and at other times have enough to give away to strangers in stores.

Are you serious? You do not know how much you got last time? What? Are you kidding? I thought you salvaged your scale with rice or something?


New Member
me too; that's why I know how to use the toaster and at other times have enough to give away to strangers in stores.

Are you serious? You do not know how much you got last time? What? Are you kidding? I thought you salvaged your scale with rice or something?
yes, I fixed my scale, but that was after the fact. I had already been smoking it for a couple of weeks, but I don't share so it last me a long time....bongsmilie

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
nice looking plants gotta love the 'widow' but damn that stuff gets smelly in the last few weeks , theres no way i can grow widow in my new location ;o( , i still have five widow seeds i wonder how they would do outside next year ?

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
you never learned to share in kindergarten??????? lol
Yeah, really, what's up with that???

Your avatar is hilarious.

Hey Tips? Your skin is looking way, way better. So I take it you tried the mud mask I recommended (for those who are interested in how Tips cleared up his skin/avatar: you go to to nearest cleanest river, scoop up about a quart of the sediments, stick in a jar like a Marie's Blue Cheese; let it sit for about two weeks; add in blue/green algae and fish oil, about 2-3 ratio; eat the rest of the algae [good for your pancreas, yes, for real--but will turn your teeth blue for a whole day]; let that mess sit for forty-eight hours; add in two to three TBS GOOD quality, canola oil mayo; slather on face; sit either under those super hot red lights in your hotel bathroom [or a good 400 watt HPS] for at least one-half hour, up to four for max results; rinse and then do it all again. You really can never invest too much time on good skin care. Who cares about your liver, brain, etc, right???).

You look mahvelous!

Now, where's the double plant? The one you tried to save face about? Saying you were NOT high? Do you expect us to believe it was some kind of miraculous conception? Or your seeds are so special, they have bulb/corm properties and just, what? Run wild, like daffodils or hyacinths will do if you try to keep them in one part of your garden? Come clean: you were so high when you planted them?

Okay, enough of that nonsense that Tips always seems to be a catalyst for.

These plants have grown significantly since the last pics. Well done! Keep us posted.

Back to Tips in Moscow (he's a communist, you know).

Thanks for the info, seriously.


Well-Known Member
Hey how the hell have you been? School is kickin my ass and i cant beleive it will be over soon, 7 months to go. I love those Deep grren little babies you got goin i wish i was growing;( You should see all the chickens around here me hens kep makin babies. Every time i thinnk one got eaten im like nope just on eggs. What's new with you how have things been?
winter is almost here i cant wait to play on the computer a bit again.


New Member
Hey how the hell have you been? School is kickin my ass and i cant beleive it will be over soon, 7 months to go. I love those Deep grren little babies you got goin i wish i was growing;( You should see all the chickens around here me hens kep makin babies. Every time i thinnk one got eaten im like nope just on eggs. What's new with you how have things been?
winter is almost here i cant wait to play on the computer a bit again.
kaya!!!!!! what's going on? have you had a good summer? same old stuff here. glad to hear your chickens doing well. I hope your back soon....:mrgreen: