affirmative action's end?

When I was in highschool I got into a three hour discussion/yelling fight with my guidance counselor over affirmative action when I was applying to college. I can practice a sport and become an athlete and gain scholarships. I can work hard in school and get excellent grades which opens the door to many wonderful opportunities. Alas, no matter how hard I try I will never be brown...Never. How is that fair?
Life isn't fair.
Sad but true.

Which is why we have policies in place that try to level the playing field. Refusing to hire/promote/give raises based on skin color or ethnicity rather than job performance is illegal. As it should be. Just like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and how it helps women get equal pay. Regardless of how you feel, there is still plenty of discrimination and bias out there (just look at the political section) and these laws are needed.
When I was in highschool I got into a three hour discussion/yelling fight with my guidance counselor over affirmative action when I was applying to college. I can practice a sport and become an athlete and gain scholarships. I can work hard in school and get excellent grades which opens the door to many wonderful opportunities. Alas, no matter how hard I try I will never be brown...Never. How is that fair?

How is it fair that colleges give free tuitions to athletes or people who have over-excelled academically, then ultimately raise the tuition cost for those who fall under neither category? It's not fair.

The fact is, privately owned colleges should have the right to do as they please, regardless of whether or not it's "fair".
I was around in the 50's to see affirmative action(?) start till now. It was started to equalize a minority at the time.
The rascal mix now has changed hence so should the program.
How is it fair that colleges give free tuitions to athletes or people who have over-excelled academically, then ultimately raise the tuition cost for those who fall under neither category? It's not fair.

The fact is, privately owned colleges should have the right to do as they please, regardless of whether or not it's "fair".

Which is why I went to a privately owned college ;)

What I am and was trying to get at, is that effort is what matters. Practice can make you a better athlete, a better student... but never another race or gender.
I think the best way to end state sanctioned racial discrimination is to stop practicing state sanctioned racial discrimination.
You can be brown and an average student, but get lower tuition. You can be white and an average student, but pay higher tuition. Liberals seem to think "fair" is only directed at certain individuals.
i don't think you know how affirmative action works.

yea it is that little note on the bottom of a job application that says we don't pick employees or starting wages based on race, sexuality or any personal opinions. Fine print: "because they will fine our ass"

I dont excpect you to know what i am talking about.:mrgreen:
Maybe if we all just fuck each other everyone will be the same race and then no one will have an advantage.
It all boils down to quotas, ultimately. For schools, a certain percentage of the slots in the entering class is set aside for those of the favored color.

confirmed, you have no idea how affirmative action works.

quotas are not even legal, genius.

thanks for exposing your stupidity, i didn't even have to work that hard.
Hey uncle buck,

Until your last post people were disagreeing with one another without being disrespectful. Why do you feel the need to attack a person with opposing views? "stupid" or not.
And honestly if you think race matters this much. You are kidding yourself. If you want a fair playing field we would select affirmative action based off of socio/economic status and poverty.
Hey uncle buck,

Until your last post people were disagreeing with one another without being disrespectful. Why do you feel the need to attack a person with opposing views? "stupid" or not.

he started a thread about affirmative action and he doesn't even know how it works.

you want me to give him a blowjob instead or something?

i'm not attacking him for having an opposing view, i'm calling him out as what he is. quotas aren't even legal.
"No quotas" in action:

"One notable example is a case argued a few years back in the Supreme Court concerning admissions to the University of Michigan. The school had a policy of rating potential applicants on a point system. Being a minority student earned you more than twice as many points as achieving a perfect SAT score. Three white students sued citing this as raced-based discrimination. School officials said that diversity is desirable and affirmative action is the only way to achieve true diversity. Another notable case in 2009 involved firefighters whose captain's exams were thrown out after it was determined not enough minorities passed. Several other cases involving affirmative action have followed similar arguments."