affect my yield?


she smells gorgeous all the time and she got the goods, she shows em off and have us in lust but she dont dress at all well, she doesnt need to be fashion conscious but its the state of her clothes.....

i bored myself. why are her leaves turning yellow and dropping, for the last 10 days i feel shes droppin more n more leaves. im worried now

she's in soil under 600 hps she gets good ventilation, temps, water, and possibly a lil too much food.
''terra flores, and bio bizz topmax'' every 3-4 days.

i have had offerings of, ''its normal for some strains to drop during budding no matter what'' and ''dont worry too much abouyt it, as long as the bud looks ok''.
it has been healthy and green up until the buds started maturing n really started stinking

hoping for some experience of this during flowering?


Have you final flushed your plants lately or cut off N to your girls. To me it looks like your plants are using up the stored food in the leaves and dropping. If that's what happening I wouldn't worry about it too much, or add a ripening nute to finish that has a little nitrogen in it. Hope that helps.

Bayou bud

Active Member
Looks like the death pull to me. It's nearly time to pull her. Your yield should be fine if the plant has just now started to yellow. How do the tricombs look?


Well-Known Member
Have you final flushed your plants lately or cut off N to your girls. To me it looks like your plants are using up the stored food in the leaves and dropping. If that's what happening I wouldn't worry about it too much, or add a ripening nute to finish that has a little nitrogen in it. Hope that helps.
I was under the impression N def. started at the bottom and worked up. This seems to be more advanced up top, thought top down yellowing was some other def. or just a symptom of "autumning".


Active Member
For the most part its definitely from the bottom up when its N.... But yellowing of all older growth is another sign of final stages w/o N in the food.... If your bloom nutes have no nutrients to keep foliage healthy because your looking for flower production.... itll die :) I'd say pull that snatch in the next week if you can wait. :)


Well-Known Member
You have the N def due to poor quality soil (now salts have built up) and the need for re-potting, that plant is rootbound for sure.


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression N def. started at the bottom and worked up. This seems to be more advanced up top, thought top down yellowing was some other def. or just a symptom of "autumning".
Its not a tree its a weed and doesn't 'autumn' . A healthy dope plant will have almost all leaves still green at harvest.


theres at least another 2 weeks til there ready.. i havent final flushed or cut off any nutes. i flushed when i went into the flowering cycle and theyve been on regular feed since. my bloom feed is biobizz topmax, i hear what your saying about the lack of N but i use a regular flower feed also i havnt rounded up any feeding procedures. i have been using the topmax with every feed and water for the last 3/4 weeks, could that be an issue


Well-Known Member
Next grow a bigger pot(smaller pots are more prone to salts build up), dont worry about repotting now its too close.
Even a good soil mix will get salt build up resulting in the plant no longer being able to take up some nutes ,N mainly , unless you have flushed regularly with ph'd water (every 5-6 feeds).