Aeroponics questions (estimate of cost, growth time, size of reservoirs)


Some quick Aero questions, info is scarce or buried (oh I see that true aero 2011 thread right there, and I read much of it and didn't see most of this).

If I wanted to grow 4 foot, 5 foot, or 6 foot trees (pick a strain, doesn't matter to me), anybody know about how much of a reservoir you'd want per plant for roots? Or is aeroponics not a very good option for large trees?

If I wanted to grow those size plants in Aero vs. your average DWC or RDWC setup, about how much time can be shaved off the grow or flower periods? Are we talking 5-10% less growth time? Or 50%?

What's a guesstimate as far as cost goes for a DIY system for six plants? I'm not finding many tutorials (any?) out there recommending specific items to use. I hear the cost is greater than any other setup but the maintenance costs (water, nutes) are less in the long run.

True aeroponics is what I'm referring to, 50 micron or thereabouts spray, roots don't hang into any kind of water at any point.


Well-Known Member
imo aero is not designed to house huge plants alltho you could if you built a support system that counters the height imbalance. even in aero some roots will be in nutes, like flm systems, simply because of the flow getting back to res. it will not hurt roots as the water/nutes are ox saturated from the aero action. i changed from aero to dwc n find its much easier. i just finished a diy undercurent system you might be interested in. with bigger buckets you could grow trees if you wanted. a tutorial is in my journal, just click my signature n see. its a couple pages back from the last page as of now.