Aeroponics nutrients


Well-Known Member
Earl I have already served time for a bust of more bud then you will ever see in your life. O do mt post photos as they are public admissions of guilt. I keep my ego in check in that respect. You ought to try the same dumb ass. I will give you some text references to include page numbers if you want to actually learn something rtaher than just talking out your behind.
Have you ever seen earl's grows?
I would say that he knows his shit


New Member
I think my pictures say a lot.

The boards are full of kids like you.

Grow up.

Last time I looked at your photos they were of a shity bubbleponics grow held together with duct tape. A lousy poorly built dribbling low pressure aero tube grow with something like three plants growing in it, none growing well, and a grossly nutrient deficient bud of strange colors. None were impressive. Your just a dumb ass. You do nothing but copy the work of others and regurgiatte what others say. You are like a sheep in a flock of sheep dumb ass. I am not a sheep. Old goat maybe, but not a sheep like you. As you are too pathetic to argue with you are now on my ignore list dumb ass.

Straight up G

New Member
Just looked through page 1 of aeroponic space shuttle, amazing setup, I really do know nothing at all compared to all of you.. lol


Well-Known Member
Jeeze earl, fatman was right
Deficient plant indeed. That top bud is really suffering from lack of nutes :lol: j/k bro


New Member
Wrong photo. On CC Earl holds up a bud that looks like Picasso painted it. But like I said Eral has no idea why he does what he does he is jsut a sheep that does what those before have done. He copies others and then expects credit for knowing what to do. I was being nice sayinf sheep rtahet than palagerize or copy cat. Kinda sad really that a persons can have an ego based upon just coppying the work of others and no more.


Well-Known Member
Wrong photo. On CC Earl holds up a bud that looks like Picasso painted it. But like I said Eral has no idea why he does what he does he is jsut a sheep that does what those before have done. He copies others and then expects credit for knowing what to do. I was being nice sayinf sheep rtahet than palagerize or copy cat. Kinda sad really that a persons can have an ego based upon just coppying the work of others and no more.
I didn't invent DWC or soil growin. Does that mean I am a sheep? What did you invent since you aren't following in the steps of anyone?


New Member
I fllow in the steps of science, agribussiness and commercial growers. I have a large amount of education in the field. I teach I do not follow others. I am also a reseracher. I explore and expand the information base rather than just using old out dated methodologies simply because they work. There are almost alwsy new and better ways being discovered. However usually most forum growers just do the old shit over and over rather than changing to better methodologies as they are discovered. Most just look for easier, cheaper ways reported by others without any understanding behind the changes or real functioming of the systems.

Commercial agribussiness changes as their profit margain is small so ever improvement to them is more profit. There is nothing wrong with growing with DWC or aerpo and a person does not need to invent every thing they do but a person should learn why they work so that they can know how to repair problems or improve their systems. People like Earl never bother to learn why they just copy and claim expert status or except it when it is wrongly bestowed by others with understanding of how things work. when what they have copied works. Still though without knowledge a sheep is just an uninformened follower.

Faith to some is flipping a light switch and expecting the lights to come on without have ing ever leraned why a light bulb works, how electricity is generated and transported and how the electrical transformer converts very high voltage to the voltage we use in our homes. I have a braod engineering education as well as a braod education in chemistry, biology, water chemistry, aquatic chemistry and 35 years grwing experience. I learn about what I do and teach/share. I am paid to know and teach. I know what I am talking about or I keep my mouth shut, I am not a copier/sheep.

Some people operate a lot on blind faith. Some learn why and how. I listen too, work with and I am one of the learners, not the blind faith followers. I teach, sadly there are some who prefer to just follow without ever learning much. Some would say they chose ingorance over knowledge. Some say they are just faithful to others. Sorta like the blind following the blind. I suggest that people at least follow the advise of learners rather than followers like Earl.


copper .046ppm, lead 3.5ppb, flouride .86ppm, turbidity .3ntu, chlorine 1.94ppm, haeoacetic acids 33.8ppb, trihalomethanes 58.2ppb


New Member
Thoase are the EPA governed parts of a water analysis that are ner exceeding or excedding maximum standards. In the report there will be a sectin called in house testing. that gives the levels of other things. Things like calcium. mgnesium and carbonates (alkalinity ) are considered sencondary standards elements. The EPA places recomendations on their levels but no requirements. they are considered m nuisance elements. Turbidity is anything that absorbs or refects light.(sediment, silt, collodials <clay particles> algae, colring agents (humic acids). Letting the water sit over night with an airstone or a water pump rumming will get rid of the chlorine. The copper is not excessive for plants. The others would be removed by using activated carbon filtration. The acid and the trihalomethanes are formed by chlorine that is used as a disinfectant combining with organics in the water. organics are in surface water, just as surface water is usually turbid but growund water is not. The good thing is that ground water is usually very low in calcium and calcium carbonates. So you do not need an RO filter but youdo need a Av ctivated carbon Filter. Eb ven your drinking water should be run through a crabon filter as I would not drink that water. Trihalomethanes are considered acrcom nogenic by moste researchers. The EPA has not yet addressed the issue officially as to address it woul mean eliminating the use of chlorine and chloroamine for drinking water disinfection.


I got those number off the test result pdf of their website. they were in the amount detected column, I do not see calcium in their list.


New Member
I got those number off the test result pdf of their website. they were in the amount detected column, I do not see calcium in their list.
With the results you posted it is obvious your water comes from a surface source such as a river, lake or reservoir. Due to that you will not have high levels of calcium or carbonates um nless there are manafcatures arounf d that source that manafcature prodi ucts with high levels of calcium, like shoet rock (gypsum board) concrtet, lime or ferilizer. Even then they tend to create particulates which are easily filtered out.

Duh! Earl was wrong again.


aNy idea why I am having ph problems?
just a few minutes ago
ph 7.5, water temp 69.5, room temp 72, ppm 360, humidity 49%
plants are about 2 weeks and 6 inches.
i have 1 1000w mh 24/7
I used the little plugs that came with my propagation kit to sprout seeds then transplanted those to the little coca liners that camewith the aeroflo. I am not sure what the plugs are, they are not rockwool and they almost look like dirt but spongy. I put some pebbles in the liners ith the plugs and put all of that in the net cups. Do you think any of that has to do with ph?


New Member
aNy idea why I am having ph problems?
just a few minutes ago
ph 7.5, water temp 69.5, room temp 72, ppm 360, humidity 49%
plants are about 2 weeks and 6 inches.
i have 1 1000w mh 24/7
I used the little plugs that came with my propagation kit to sprout seeds then transplanted those to the little coca liners that camewith the aeroflo. I am not sure what the plugs are, they are not rockwool and they almost look like dirt but spongy. I put some pebbles in the liners ith the plugs and put all of that in the net cups. Do you think any of that has to do with ph?
What is the pH of your tap water. As you have high copper content that maens your city ditr=ibution lines may be copper in many areas. Thet raise the alkalinity and pH to prevent solder from leaching from the solder joints in copper pipes runs and to lower galvanic action. To do this they often add soda ash. This can raise the pH. However this can be adjusted by dropping the pH with acid. The things you are talking about if anything would lower your pH not raise it. Have you calibrated your pH probe to your n meter lately?


New Member
I think my pictures say a lot.

The boards are full of kids like you.

Grow up.

Earl you are not even being funny. You are quite aware I am almost 60 yeras old, far from a kid, child that you are, you are still a dumb ass.


New Member
I would draw tap water the day before use. tap water is uasullay full of CO2 which lowers the pH. Until that CO2 level reaches a stable level the pH will rise. You might just have water with a high natural pH but it is masked by CO2 formed carbonic acids. Co2 is also quite often pumped into tratedwater to lower pHs as a part of the water processing. Thet really do manipulate water chemistry quite a lot at some water treatment facilities. Environmental engineers have a minimum of four semesters on water treatment of tap water in college. I know as I teach those courses.