aeroponic sprayers


Active Member
anyone know where i can get some sprayers that attach to a water line, So far all I can find are the ones that need the pump in the rez. but I want some that can be put in other buckets without the pump.


Well-Known Member
are you talking true aeroponics(high pressure) or the nft/dwc/aero hybrid I like to call aerospring (low pressure ) sprayers? home depot has the low pressure and high pressure misters that thread into pvc pipe that's been drilled and tapped.


Well-Known Member
yes, they're Digs brand sprayers and their in the irrigation dept but there are only certain ones that seem to not clog, they have a valve, let me go take a picture because I don't think I can find them on home depots page


Well-Known Member
high pressure or low, I'm guessing low pressure. one moment. you might google ez cloner misters too. they tend to not clog real well.


Well-Known Member
heres the ones I use.............. at the time the photo of the cooler was snapped I had tried another sprayer(the blue ones) they blew for sure. a filter is a good idea too, you can get one of those at home depot too.



Well-Known Member
if you're planning on a system that doesn't hold any water in the container and relies totally on being sprayed you're asking for failure, when I build a cooler I know the sprayers will soon not mean a lot other than I can use less nutrients because all of the roots aren't submerged but being sprayed by the misters, the fail safe there is my plants don't die if the pump goes out or misters clog because the root are still in the water.