Aeroponic Space Shuttle


Active Member
hey there Earl, had to sign up and say I love your system. Getting ready to build one myself with a single rez and just had a simple question, why use the brass fittings and the flex tube rather than just using small diameter pvc that T's off directly to each spray nozzle? figured str8 pvc would be cheaper and maybe last longer (have had issues with tubing going bad every couple years in PC cooling) But thanks for any insight you can give me :joint:


Well-Known Member
Grow summary:

HGS Purple Cindy.

Dutch Master Gold @ 70% load
w/additives @ 95% load
and Liquid Light 100%. load
nute solution pH 5.6

Seeds planted under CFL 24/0

Start under 600w HPS 18/6
in DWC

49 day veg:
two, 400w 1MH/1HPS 18/6

11 weeks Flower:
two additional 400w
1MH and 1HPS,
and 80w t12 uVb
total watts for flower=1680w

The plant was flushed with RO only,
for the last 14 days.

The plant was hung for 7 days,
then spent four days in paper bags,
with a fan blowing and the humidity at 50%.

Tonight they are going into the jars.

The five paper bags of trimmed budz
weighed 472* grams
minus the 60 gram tare for each sack.
*this does not include the four budz that were pollinated.

This is the trimmed weight for the big plant.

I am not going to weigh the two smaller plants,
although I will give a smoke report on them,
as they are quite different from the big girl.

Of course they are all still very green,
and start to burn hot after the third hit.

But after a month in the jars,
the smoke will start to smooth out.

Even now the taste of the big girl is fantastic.

I have shared a joint with 4 friends,
and after that first hit,
they all look at the joint
like it was some wonderful object from a far away planet.

Then in a minute,
with a chuckle in their voice,
"Wow, I'm really high!"

This is the top cola.

The top cola weight is 26 grams,
manicured and in the jar.



Well-Known Member
Um Excuse Me "sir".... Dammmmmmmmmmmmm Earl, The Bigest Id Ever Seen.
Your Getting Some Reps "sir".... Db. Phucking Big :):):) 'sss


Well-Known Member
those looks great earl.

big ass buds!!!! lol non-tag buds!!! :hump:

i have another question for you as well..... for RO systems. Do you think we should invest in UV sterilizing lamps? do you?


Well-Known Member
i have another question for you as well..... for RO systems. Do you think we should invest in UV sterilizing lamps? do you?

I don't feel the need.

I keep my RO tank covered and filled,
and have never experienced any bacteria.

I drink a gallon out of my RO rez everyday.
I cook with it, and if you really want a nice experience,
wash your hair with it.

If you're having a problem,
then the uV lamp may be a good solution,
I really can't say,
having no experience with them.

If you get one,
let me know what you think about it.


Well-Known Member
do you ph your RO water when drinking it? or do you drink it at whatever the ph is?

do you think the plumbing goop and the other sealants (i also used Great White Pipe Joint Compound w/ Teflon) i used when modding my res will fuck with me? do you think i should drink it? OR are those sealants safe in drinking applications?

what about tubing? should i get a special tubing on my RO res if i plan on drinking it? i know on the tubing it said not for drinking use or some shit. Any reason for that?

and last but not least..... wouldnt h202 kill any bacteria or that other yucky stuff that a UV sterilizer will kill?

pics if it helps
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Well-Known Member
i still want to add some float valves, just not in the RO res..... is there anyway to maybe do some type of controller bucket and put the float valves in there????

im still lost as hell as to how to install float valves...i know its simple enough....i just need to know how many tubes


Well-Known Member
I don't see how you can have an RO rez without a float valve.

How are you going to keep it from running over?

How are you going to keep the rez full?
Stand there for hours?

My RO unit is for drinking water,
and I used brass
and plastic bulkhead fittings
with no goop.

My RO unit is on a platform
that is three feet above the nutrient rez,
which it feeds with another float valve.

Here is everything you need to hook up to a RO unit.

Mini Float Valve and Plumbing Kit.
(in case the link fails)



Well-Known Member
I would think for what ever the price......I would want to buy the hose that I knew for certain would be safe for me and the plant. I think most hardware stores that sell hose tell you exactly what it intended for. As far as I know all R.O and water filter lines are a standard size.....but I think they make "water safe" hoses in multiple sizes now.


Well-Known Member
its a 50 gallon res.

i can use 50 gallons in two res changes. i only have a 100 gpd unit.....normally takes around 12 hours to fill. as far as overfilling and keeping it full....well you know when you have a new toy you cant leave it alone i normally just check it.

so do you know about my plastic fittings? they should be safe right???


Well-Known Member
most plastic fitting and stuff I would think should be safe for this application....I just would not get them too hot, they may start releasing chemicals before the plastic starts melting.....which is good for nobody. Some where on the box or on the plastic itself, it should say what it is made out of....then just check that.


Well-Known Member
Idk if Guru Earl has a cat or not.... But I sometimes get a little cat hair on my buds because of the kitty.....:cry:



Well-Known Member
I Thought It Might Of Been Sap From Like When Its Pine And On The Fingers, U Separate Them And Get The Glue-e Lines... Db.
So Did It Fall Out When U Tried To Harvest Her, Or Did She Pull It.???
Cause Sluts Do That.:)