Aeroponic leaf curl


New Member
Hello all,
New hobbyist here. Currently have a well developed clone that is starting to show signs of over water(I think..). Would like some advice to help me sleep at night!

I have it in a diy aeroponic cloner. Roots are very healthy and long. Figured since the roots are now submerged in the water at the bottom, they could be drowning without enough oxygen.

I have since placed 2 air stones in my system a few days ago. The leafs have yet to bounce back or even began to look any better.

I appreciate any advice!

**Waiting for my first harvest to finish up before I transplant her out of this system.**


70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
The plant is about ready to be fed. They can't live on water forever. I like to transplant before the roots get that long.