Aeroponic help


Well-Known Member
That clone is dead...

Pic of the cloner? Type of cloner?
Water? Ph? Solution? Last rez change? Room temp, brief history of events, your experience level ....come on man, you're the one who wants help. We need info, nit just a close up of a dead clone.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to knock something I haven't tried, but why do people use those fancy cloners? I get 9/10 with rapid rooters and clonex. I don't cover them or do anything other than make sure they don't dry out. My temps in the veg closet are frequently around 81 82 during this time of year.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to knock something I haven't tried, but why do people use those fancy cloners? I get 9/10 with rapid rooters and clonex. I don't cover them or do anything other than make sure they don't dry out. My temps in the veg closet are frequently around 81 82 during this time of year.

I guess because with the cloner and some ph down

its a lot cheaper then finding something else to put the clones in every time

I mean I assume you use rockwall or coco or something ?

Pure hydro, aero or dwc can mean all you need is water and some powder food

saves hauling dirt or coco to the grow and getting rid or re-using the old stuff

Plus I have seen aero clones root in 5 to 7 days and good roots too when its all spot on it does work

down side is keeping it cool, clean and rot free

Up side is no more getting soil or coco to the grow and no more dumping the old stuff

If you get bugs or something you can just flush and clean the system

but equipment failures happen

You normally need a bit more height to do hydro

I was tempted to swap out 40 to 80L coco sacks and run 60 to 120L bins with dwc just to not have substraint to deal with anymore

but my "water boy" that looks after things he`s not clean enough or on the ball enough for hydro so I`m stuck with fooking coco, still works, would run soil but its more to carry, lol


Well-Known Member
I run organic coco. I started out with DWC and got root rot two grows in a row. I'd never do DWC again after going to coco. All that PH, PPM crap. I had the pens, res-chiller, etc. But I'm not doing the kind of volume you are.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to knock something I haven't tried, but why do people use those fancy cloners? I get 9/10 with rapid rooters and clonex. I don't cover them or do anything other than make sure they don't dry out. My temps in the veg closet are frequently around 81 82 during this time of year.
Not every system is setup to use media. I'm aeroponic-aquaponics, so rapid rooters would not help me.20160619_231124.jpg
No two gardens are the same.


Well-Known Member
Years ago someone swore they used sand to do all their cloning with a high success rate. I wonder if you could just rinse the sand away when you transfer to the aero? Anyway, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Years ago someone swore they used sand to do all their cloning with a high success rate. I wonder if you could just rinse the sand away when you transfer to the aero? Anyway, good luck.
I dont see why not. I rinse away soil for aero, all the time.


Well-Known Member
I run organic coco. I started out with DWC and got root rot two grows in a row. I'd never do DWC again after going to coco. All that PH, PPM crap. I had the pens, res-chiller, etc. But I'm not doing the kind of volume you are.

dwc is a cunt for rot

You always need more bubbles then you think and the bigger the res the more stable it is

Plus tap water is utter shite

I ph down to ph5 maybe 5.2 and expect it to rise to 6/6.5 in a week or so then drop it back down

problem is res changes you need to be on the ball for the 1st 2 to 8 days as the ph can swing and you can get huge problems

but even with some root rot my dwc buds kicked the shit out of my coco ones

just no way to do dwc where I am now and keep the plants anything close to the same size

plus if a drum failed and I got 100l of water everywhere that`d fuck us

I like coco but I`m wondering if I should be feeding more in it, I mean peak flowering I would run as much as 1800 or 2000ppm in dwc sometimes a tad more

In coco I`m running my nutes normally around 1200 sometimes upto 2000 but I`m wondering if there is less water then in dwc the roots must not be able to get as much nutes so I`ve wondered if putting the ppm`s up more would give me better buds and more taste like putting the nutes up in dwc did

I see people flower at 800ppm but 800ppm vs 2000ppm I found I got fatter buds and more taste in dwc ok bit more of a chance of rot but saying that monopotassium phosphate or potassium sulphate at higher ppms seems to keep the ph lower longer and more stable

Hard to know I`m tempted to feed more as nothings shown nute burn but that if I over do it I`ll end up wasting food and losing yields, lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was using 350ppm tap water and had temp problems with my room so I'm sure it was my fault but it was frustrating and I've really had an easy time with coco and I'm loving the results. I put in an RO system but never used it with my dwc. I've got rainwater out here which is amazing.