AeroGarden with 150whps... first time grow journal im so excited.

I only have two nute tabs left so what im gunna do is wing her of the steroids by giving them less nutes leading up to the day we start to flush. So this week instead of 2 im gunna do 1.5 tabs. Then 1.0 the following and so on. The plants are just so healthy and the buds as starting to form. They do look good so far from bag seed.Its interesting watching the soil vs the aerogarden. Its giving me ideas to start trying bubbleponics. We will see which turns out best soon. 7 weeks left
my ph is around 5.7 all the time. the nute burn is a def i over did it to see what it would do to the plant if it will grow crazy fast or shrivell up n die. But all it did was turn the leafs yellow. i added 3 n a half nute tabs to it one week and it did do damage but she is recovering. I was high when i did it so i thought it was a good idea at the time. lol
haha its good to experiment, almost cost you, but some strains can take more then others, keep us post man
Ya i want them to be cozy. They smell soo good and they are very sticky. Ill take more pics in a coupple of days. I had them consistant diet i would check the ph on monday. Friday change res water and adjust ph after disolving 2n a half tabs in hot water then adding to the res. Ph allways is around 6.6 so i add two drops of ph down and it usually is around 5.7 5.8. Then start all over next week. The root space aswell is chill not crouded and they have tons of room to grow. The airstone is in front of the fill here marker and is facing the back of the aerogarden. Cant wait...
I had a death in my family. Well shes not dead yet but her roots are beginning to get a greyish color and i did the research n crap about root rot and how it is formed. It said that one cause is the stem being too close to the water. Ok now this was the weird plant. The one you said looks alitle yellow guys she is the one. In a matter of two days just about every leaf is yellow and fallen off. Exposing all the buds. Allright sicc n fox i got a question for ya. She was the only one that germanated in the aerogarden. When she grew her long tail became long and touched the water before any root development began. What happend was the stem was hanging down about 2 inches from the top of the aerogarden not touching the water but was close. You know what i mean the stem grew farther down and dident start to root in the sponge. What i did was transplanted it to a soil pot with dry soil and added some root steroids to see if that would act as a percocet or something to heal her pain. I dont know what to do. I want her to stay alive. She was the quickest one to sprot show first hairs and now she let herself go. Cant let her go down like this she is a trooper im telling ya. Someone anyone got any ideas i could try?
She died. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:Had to seperate the roots( wasent that bad took ten mins making sure not to damage the other ladies roots) disenfected the reses.Got a 6.5 grams of her being that she is only 3 weeks flowering isent too bad. Man that sucks. I am gunna cremate the dead lady by smoking her in a green grape game. Saving the ashes im gunna out them in a little weed baggie n put her in with her 3 sisters. Iv lost tons of plants but this one really puts a tear in my eye...jk but yea thats the plan. Then once harvest time im gunna take all the clipping n burn them take the ashes and put it in a jar then hang it on my mantle place. Lol jk Im so high i got some nice superjack from a friend. Kinda looks more like jack frost but it is sweet tasting. Verry pleased but yep theres the bad news. Only the strong survive.kiss-ass