Hey everyone... New to the forums, but after seeing what you guys have been doing with the aero garden, I'm about to start one up myself

It's like a weed-growing revolution with this thing.
I have a suggestion though, and Teknique, I sent you a PM about this.
Give this a shot when your plants begin to get too big for the light hood:
Carefully bend the stalk so it's at a 90 degree angle/horizontal. You would probably be better off "training" the stalk, which is a process that slowly bends it over a period of time instead of doing it all at once. Find a way to tie it down so it remains in this position and let it veg some more. It should start growing up towards the lights from this hoirzontal position, and allow for more growth, which equals bigger yield.
I would suggest creating a series of "fences" to tie your plants to. The design is simple, and all you need is some 1" x 2" boards, nails/screws, and tie wraps. Just use the wood to lay a board parallel to and about 6" above the growing surface, tie the plant to it and you're done.
This link, from weedfarmer.com (a fantastic resource), shows the basic principle
I've seen this done when space was limited in growing chambers, so it should work for this setup as well.
Another technique that could be put to use, if anyone knows how to properly implement it, is the SCreen Of Green (NOT SEA of green), or SCROG method. They had a very nice setup posted on Overgrow before it was shut down by the damn feds. Basically you use pvc piping to make a square frame that goes over the top of the plants, about 6 or 7 inches, and you stretch chicken wire across it. As the plants grow upward and begin to fill out you tie all of the stems to the wire so that they all grow from that position. It makes for a very dense miniture forest of pot trees, and looks really cool

Lemme know if you try it, I'll be looking in to see how you guys progress, and once my setup is ready I'll start my own grow journal here for you to see.
Question about the aero garden:
How much noise/heat does it make?