AeroGarden Questions


Active Member
Hi, i am a complete newb to growing and i purchased an aerogarden to grow a couple plants in my closet, which i have to keep hidden from my parents. I started with a plant in each pod, and since this is my first time growing i decided to just use some pretty good reg seeds. Once the plants started to mature i took the 4 weakest plants out because i realized there wasnt going to be enough room for them all. The 3 that are in there now are all very healthy and have ben growing for about 3 and a half weeks and are between 7-10 inches tall and have 4 or five nodes. I topped them all by snipping off the stem under the newest developing node. The lights are on 18/6 right now and im not really sure how to produce the best bud out of these plants and when to go into flowering, so please leave any suggestions or let me know what im doing wrong,
Thank You!


Well-Known Member
you can flower now .. you'll need a timer to shut the lights on and off $5 at wal mart ..

You really should not grow in your parents house but I bet you know that already click on my sig any questions you have the answer is in that thread


Active Member
yeah its pretty risky but i think ittl be worth the risk.
my only concern with going into flowering now is that i topped them only about 4 days ago, so would it be good to go into flowering now?


Active Member
okay thank you, and one last question, would you recommend cloning once i sex them, and placing it in an empty pod? and how would i go about doing this?


Active Member
you can clone in flower just fine just not to far into flowering....

and the aerogarden ain't really that big so i would just stay with the ones you have now....


Active Member
My dad found my aerogarden today and made me put all the plants down the garbage disposal =[

i cant wait till im old enough to live on my own