Aerogarden or Soil (CFL) grow


Active Member
Before I decide to get a soil op. going (I will have lot's of pics if it goes well ;)) I want to know a few solids about the aerogarden....

1. Can I put any CFL's into the aerogarden light sockets? I want to use Full Spectrum Light Bulbs (like energy savers, but better) but want to make sure I can first. Also, I know about the Fig.8 plug to control light timer.

2a. Can I transplant easily into soil or other hydro if I decide to? (Probably would xfer into soil if possible!) - or

2b. Just grow a few mothers and transfer clones into Aerogarden 70 start tray and then into a clone-flowering Aerogarden?

Germ'ing - I read variations about germing... Would you drop seed into water for it to crack (time? up to 24hr?) and then place seed in soil or aerogarden?

Okay guys, thanks... If you can help me with those first two I would be very happy!


Active Member
Trust me mike... I've completed a grow using the Aero. It was awesome at first... But then it became a serious problem. Roots grew into the filter/pump. (Breaking it) Light penetrating threw the holes. (Mold) Changing the water is the biggest bitch you'll ever experience. You need two people. I did it on my own 90 percent of the time. And every time was nerve racking and difficult. Especially in the later stages when it got much larger... Lights produce about 2800 lumens. You need about 3000 minimum. So when it gets to the later stages it starts stretching like crazy so you gotta add more light. Also only goes so high depending on model. And you're more then likely going to have to detach it. (I had too) They made it so you can't buy regular CFL's and screw them in so they could make more money. But there are adapters for it so you can change the bulbs... Overall brotha save the 100plus bucks and spend it on soil and nutes. I promise you'll be much more satisfied and less stressed. : ) Hope that help. :peace::mrgreen:bongsmilie
PS... Not to totally Bash the Aerogarden. The plants fuckin LOVEEEE the drip system. They suck up water like crazy and grow wicked fast. But you could imitate the same shit for cheaper and much more efficient ; ). I learned all this after I got the full blown experience with the Aero. Everyone doubts it. There are a lotta haters out there who haven't even used it. But I have and I won't use it again. For a full grow that is. It will deff be my clone starter in the future ;-). (Perfect for that)


Well-Known Member
Ive been there man, im just getting started on CFL growing and considered the aerogrow. It looks like a total BAMF but your just paying a lot more for some fancy tricks. Most everyone on here is going to tell you to just go soil, but if your committed then i guess go for it. If you want to do aero your probably better off with a DIY set up, the aero gro is nice since you dont gotta fuck around with building it and its "scientificly" prepaired for growing; but to me it seems like trading a bunch of TLC (and maybe THC) for lazyness.

let us know how it goes though!


Active Member
I want to know more about taking off the top - the light unit. I was told by Aero that it wouldn't run or something if the top light unit was off....

As for res change.... You could just siphon into a bucket (is there an ez way to do this?)

But as for roots clogging the pump, etc... well, I donno. I think the Elite series addressed this didn't it?

1. Mostly I want to know about taking off the top part then.

Thanks for your help.


Active Member
Alright well they lied to you. Lol you take off the lamp top and its just attached with a wire. So it'll only go as long as the wire. Idk much about the elite. Thats the newer model i'm assuming? I had the new model of my time when i first bought it. But i know they've come oout with newer ones. But my model the light wire was the same as the ps2 one. So i just switched it and plugged the ps2 plug into the lamp and into and extension cord. Whala! You got yourself a movable lamp to any hight you shale please ; ).
Be my guest and use the aero garden. it will work. Definitely. Just buy nutes (Dont use theres) and make sure to buy some extra lights for the later stages. Or the entire grow. Up too you...
As far as changing the water... What you where thinking will be more of a hassle then actually changing it. And you should clean it after every water change. Just hot water and then cold. Just to get rid of all the nasty dried nute minerals that accumulate on the side that will cause problems later.:joint::joint::weed: