AeroGarden Guide *NEW AND IMPROVED*

awesome thread brotha!
i just got two questions (open to suggestions from everyone)
- how long is it from seed to harvest using the aerogarden?
- you can grow (pretty much) any small bushy strain of herbs with this right? i don't need to use auto-flowering strains right?
- can you use clones with this unit?

i'm thinking about buying one of these just to experiement and this info will help me make my decision so i definitely appreciate it.

1, its depends on the strain, as for a basic guideline, vegg for about 3-4 weeks, then flower for another 8-10,

2, yea, you dont need auto's, i dont like them, the AG can handle anything

3, yes, clones will work
i think i will start using my other aerogarden just for clones, the only thing i am starting to not like is the 1 gallon res, but like sicc said, the aerogarden made my first grow some killer, 3 month total, cant grow 7 four foot plants tho, but one or two gems is all you need
awesome thanks for the info - what average harvest could i expect with however many plants? haha i know that questions is kind of broad.
any info is appreciated.


There is alot of factors that play into yield, mostly how much light you have for so many plants
Welcome to the AeroGarden Guide for Beginning to Grow Marijuana!

The Aerogarden is a wonderful tool that helps new growers learn the fundamentals of cultivation through great hands-on experience and provides a starting point for transistion to bigger and better setups.
It uses two techniques of growing, one being Aeroponics and the other Hydroponics. As you read through this guide, you will learn how to grow marijuana from seed to harvest in your AeroGarden machine.

I will take you through the basics of:

* Materials Required
* Suggested Supplemental Materials
* Lights and Their Cycles
* Nutrients and Their Schedules, and
* Making It All Happen


Materials Required

* AeroGarden

There are many different shapes and sizes of AeroGardens to choose from. Pick one that suits your needs.

* 24hr Timer

You can snag one of these from Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc... They usually run anywhere from $4 to $15.

* Figure 8 Power Cord

You can find these at Radioshack or other electronic stores.
If you're like me, you can use the power cord from your old Original Xbox or PS2.

* Nutrients

You can use the nutrients that come with your AeroGarden, but, with better nutrients you will achieve a better outcome.
There are a couple different types to choose from, and several brands.

* pH Testing and Adjustment Kit

This is a must! You can order these online or obtain them from your local hydro shop.
There are other ways of going about this, but I wouldn't recommend them.


Suggested Supplemental Materials

* Additional Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL)

You can find these at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc...
They range in size, watts, lumen output and color temp.

* Aquarium Air Pump and Tubing

You can pick these up from Walmart or a pet store. A 30 gallon pump should work just fine.

* Aquarium Air Stones

Same as above. Ranges from small rock sized stones to around 20 inches.

* Thermometer/Hygrometer (Temp/Humidity)

Walmart carries them for around $7.


Lights and Their Cycles

I understand all this but I don't understand how to hook everything up. Can someone make a tutorial or atleast a quick explanation on putting everything together?

For Example:

How do you hookup the Figure 8 Power Cord?
And more importantly,

How do you hook up the lights? Can you just take the Aerogarden ones out and screw in the CFLs?

How do you hook up the air-pump and tubing and the air-stone?

I think it would be a cool tutorial (you could even make a video one and put it on youtube).
But basically Just a tutorial on how to FULLY customize your Aerogarden. That would be amazing.

P.ositive E.nergy A.ctivates C.onstant E.levation

Keep Blazin!
Look here, this has some pics

You plub the fig 8 cord into the AG light, there should be a cord that go's into the AG base from the light, you cut that off and use the fig 8 cord so you can hook the AG up to a timer and control the lights, as well as connect other lights to the same timer


as for the air stone


but also look in that thread, any more question i will try and answer
hey do i have to change the water? my water looks like there are flakes floating around in it its been 2 weeks since i started
What about: how long do you keep a 24/hr light plan on your seedlings before i switch to 18/6?
- When should i take the domes off
- do you recomend cleaning the res at all?
- should i start my flora nova grow schedual one or two weeks after planting? ( i germinated in the ag) (my trick was pokeing a 3/32" size hole threw the bottom of the ag sponges)

Any ideas? Thanks!!!!!!!!!
the veggie pro has 3 lights and the time setting preprogramed into it cost more but will wait to see how it's production is. will let you know. red rock ranger
Lookin great man, i wouldn't post any other site names on here, they dont like that too much

sounds like you got it mostly down, not too sure on what to do with temps tho
try a bath room ceiling fan from home depot, cut hole in roof, use L-brackets to attach, put alittle foam around edges,for vibration-noise, wall vent in door for flow through. fan cost about 18-20 bucks worked for me.
[QUOTE="SICC";3654372]Look here, this has some pics

You plub the fig 8 cord into the AG light, there should be a cord that go's into the AG base from the light, you cut that off and use the fig 8 cord so you can hook the AG up to a timer and control the lights, as well as connect other lights to the same timer


as for the air stone


but also look in that thread, any more question i will try and answer[/QUOTE]

Thank-you SICC you've been more helpful then I can put to words. I have one more question that I hope you don't mind answering for me.
I looked at the actual aerogarden website last night, and couldn't find out which one I want. My question is: Which model Aerogarden is best fit to use for MJ growing? So, I obviously want the biggest one - where I can raise the lights the highest. And also I want it to be easy to do all of this custom work to (the lights, air stone, etc.)

If you could answer this question for me I'd appreciate it a lot.
You're the man SICC!


Thank-you SICC you've been more helpful then I can put to words. I have one more question that I hope you don't mind answering for me.
I looked at the actual aerogarden website last night, and couldn't find out which one I want. My question is: Which model Aerogarden is best fit to use for MJ growing? So, I obviously want the biggest one - where I can raise the lights the highest. And also I want it to be easy to do all of this custom work to (the lights, air stone, etc.)

If you could answer this question for me I'd appreciate it a lot.
You're the man SICC!



Plant Whisperer:
Been following this thread and felt my 2 cents may help.
I have the Classic 7 pod, purchased the 24" extender with 3 bulbs after wards.
IMO the AG Delux 7 pod may be the way to get started. It has the 24 hr light feature but in order to force flowering you'll have to retrofit an external timer with your light fixture (as stated elsewhere in this thread)
I have the times for pump & light duration for each setting and will post later.
My next grow will be using alternative lighting with external timer, overall the AG is a good starter/learning method and will inspire you to go to the next level of Hydro....

Plant Whisperer:
Been following this thread and felt my 2 cents may help.
I have the Classic 7 pod, purchased the 24" extender with 3 bulbs after wards.
IMO the AG Delux 7 pod may be the way to get started. It has the 24 hr light feature but in order to force flowering you'll have to retrofit an external timer with your light fixture (as stated elsewhere in this thread)
I have the times for pump & light duration for each setting and will post later.
My next grow will be using alternative lighting with external timer, overall the AG is a good starter/learning method and will inspire you to go to the next level of Hydro....


what he said :mrgreen:
From: customerservice@aerogrow
To: AgingHead
Dated: Feb 12, 2008

Keep in mind that to test your pump the "Salad Greens" setting is 24hr pump.

Original Classic 7 pod:
Herbs/Basil Lights 17hrs---Pump 17hrs
Salad Greens Lights 16.5hrs---Pump 24hrs
Tomatoes/Peppers Lights 16hrs---Pump 20hrs
Flowers Lights 15.5---Pump 20hrs (leaves our plant out)
Strawberries Lights 16hrs---Pump 16hrs

For germination I found any setting works with domes on, (they sweat like a greenhouse).
For clones I used Herb/basil for max light until they showed growth potential.
As for a whole grow I managed two garaunteed female clones (she called them PineApple Haze) around 4 weeks veg and then to flower for 8 to 10 wks and found the roots migrated to the pump filter and required serious cleaning twice a month during res flush. The yeild was light but the high is what I was after.

Tried the Stealth Hydro DWC 4 cell bubbler but could not keep Ph down e.g. Filled res to capacity, adjusted Ph down, started air stone. Next day Ph is back up to Neutral so I repeat procedure. Next day back to neutral so out to the garage it goes!

Currently back to indoor dirt, two EarthBoxes and a 3 gal planter. 150w cfl's, airstones in EB's and controls using and old GE Fanuc Series One Plus PLC.....Stage two coming, HID lighting at 220vac......ohm's law, Higher the voltage...Lower the current...Economics & No flags for power rise!
what size are the net pots in the AG? on the website it says "Passive oxygenation from drip action" does each hole have its own drip emitter? can i drill more holes in the top?..ty in advance
You dont really need to MOD the AG like that, the drip system works fine on its one, but you dont really need it because you will be adding an airstone
I got the Ag deluxe just cause it was white and would reflect the light off of the grow surface. but since most people use external timers & additional lights you may not want to pay the extra $$$ on the deluxe model when the Pro has a 24 inch lamp arm too

my $0.02 :-)