Aerogarden Extra - Add an extra Air Pump?

:? Okay everybody out there I just got my Aerogarden Extra from their official website. I planted my seeds without germinating before hand on 12-13-2010 and they popped up into a small seedling on 12-17-2010. Now my main question is when should I add the fish tank air-pump to increase the oxygen flow. PLEASE HELP THANKS!! :?


Active Member
I would imagine if you are going to do that to do it soon. Once those things start to root you might have a hard time getting it in there.
Great I actually bought and added one lastnight. What is a good average Tempature and Humidity degree that I should keep it at?


Active Member
theres lots out there on that and it depends on your strain, you really dont want it dropping down more than 68-65 at night and anything over 80 will start to have a diminished return. However that changes with CO2, as far as humidity goes, you dont want allot because it can rot your buds.

I should tell you that this is all stuff that I have read on here, I am early into my first grow, but I have been reading for a few months now.
theres lots out there on that and it depends on your strain, you really dont want it dropping down more than 68-65 at night and anything over 80 will start to have a diminished return. However that changes with CO2, as far as humidity goes, you dont want allot because it can rot your buds.

I should tell you that this is all stuff that I have read on here, I am early into my first grow, but I have been reading for a few months now.

I guess I need a fan to keep them cool for sure. Did you get a Aerogarden Extra also?


Active Member
No, I have a veggie pro, I have it setup so that as long as the lights are on the fans are on, the fans go off with the lights and it helps keep it warm in there.


Active Member
I hope you didn't plant more than a couple...that rez is way to small to support very many plants. Add some more cfl's around the sides or your plants will stretch in order to reach the light.


Well-Known Member
Green Cowboy:
We're all well intentioned but I would strongly advise you to read everything you can get your hands on from Aerogarden and pick up a copy of Cervantes's bible on growing M/J. What I've found is that if you're comfortable without a heavy sweater or a jacket and it's not so hot that you have to turn on the A/C then your Aerogarden will probably be happy year around. I keep my place between 70 and 75 degrees.
The aquarium air pump is a great idea. Try to keep your lights 1 to 2 inches off the tops of your plants. In a couple of weeks they'll keep you hoppin'.
When they're a week old start feeding them a good program of nutrition that goes with your lighting schedule.
Check the pH daily and wash the reservoir weekly when you change your nutes. Use good nutes. If you have the model with a three high intensity flat CFL's in your hood and the tall, (24 inch) arm/light stand you should have a lot of fun growing. Good luck and please keep us posted on your progress.