AEROGARDEN DAY51 FROM SEED week 3 flowering


Well-Known Member
the girls are doing great

we lost our first clone and then started 2

they are 4 days old and are sprouting roots

the ladies grace, Delilah, and Nickie, the lobster queen (bagseed from boston)

fox farms grow big, big bloomz, and tiger bloom, as well as open sesame

i figure 3 more weeks till harvest

Delilah is the tallest and largest obvious stronger indica

The others Grace, and Nickie are the more obvious Sativa

i am starting to notice the pistils are turning orange are they getting burnt or are they ripening? help from someone possibly...


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far r32115.

Usually it is 8 weeks of flowering from the time that you can tell the sex. ( 8 weeks minimum )
Looks to me like you prob got more like 5-6 weeks left.

You should get a handheld microscope from Radio Shack. They are 9.99.
It will allow you to look at the trichomes.
Once they change from clear to cloudy to amber then you are ready to harvest.

Good Luck
Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
You can also use binoculars and just look through the opposite end and place the other end right up to the trichomes
