Aerogarden a bad choice?


Active Member
I bought myself an aergoarden as an impulse buy yesterday. I set it all up, and my seeds have all but 1 germinated. Then I read through a few threads and discovered a few problems, that are hopefully avoidable.
  • The aerogarden doesn't have enough room in the tank support more than 1 or 2 flowering plants
  • The nutrients are crude and not good for cannabis
  • The stock lighting isn't strong enough
Ok, so the last two problems I can fix, but I'm on a budget. What are the best nutrients to buy? Foxfarm? How much will a hps or mh light cost me?
As for it being too small, I think I'm going to build another setup once these are ready to flower. The aerogarden seems great for cloning/veging but I think I want something bigger for flowering plants.

So here is what I have in mind:
Set up 6 different 1 gallon buckets, with holes cut to fit the aerogarden pods in the lids. Each bucket will drain into a single pump, which will pump water to the pods of each bucket. All of this needs to be done in my closet, so I figured this will be the best way to use the limted space I have. Hopefully, if all works out, I can clone and veg in the aerogarden for a few weeks, then when they're healthy and tall transfer them and induce flowering.

Please, if you have any suggestions, I need them. This is my first time growing anything, and from what I've read so far it's going to need quite some care to make this work.

I'll update with pics when they start to grow, and I start to build the secondary setup. Wish me luck.


Active Member
seems like alot of trouble to go through...i might use the ag for that myself, but i wouldn't recommend doing more than getting phatter lights