Okay its been a while, sorry for the delay. I ended up flushing for 2 weeks as the clipping was a total nightmare. The time inovleved on the trimming was insane!! I would be in the room from 9-3AM, time was just racing by and seemed like I only trimmed about 4 plants. It was a learning experience on this one. I think next time around I wont have so many branches, I think I will cut most of them off except for the main ones. This should limit the small crap you get off the other ones in the end. Small crap does add up but they also dont delevop as well as the lager buds.
Okay so I am done they were hung and dry and total weigh in was 5lbs. Not bad but should have been better considering there was 120 plants and no casulties.
I am not sure what I could have done to increase the weight on this. I have 8 600 watt bulbs, 2 600 over about 30 plants. What do you think couldnt it have been the watts?? I think next go around I am going to try to get more fresh air in the room, right now there is only one 8in fan ebinging fresh air in - I want to double this and make sure there is enough fresh air in.
I was hoping to hit 6-7lbs on the first try. 5 isnt bad but if you have nay input on what I should have done or could have dones please help me out.