aeroflo spray lines?


Active Member
flowr23.jpgso this is my diy aero im lookingfor a better rez tho the panda rez from gh is way expensive but this rubbermaid tote is week and not long enough as u can see i added a 2"pipe to connect a bucket fr my pump but it doesnt seem to have the same pressure like it would if it was in the main rez any i deas for a panda rez alternative?

diy aero.jpg
i have a aeroflo 60 just ended my 3rd week. my lines are barely spraying and they have only been used for 3 weeks(baught new ones). havent had trouble with clogged lines before could my pump be going out? its only like 6 months old
i have a aeroflo 60 just ended my 3rd week. my lines are barely spraying and they have only been used for 3 weeks(baught new ones). havent had trouble with clogged lines before could my pump be going out? its only like 6 months old
take a tack and stick it in the holes and make em a little bigger for better flow
also i'd just like to say that i have had i great time laughing my ass off while reading this thread
dont think ive ever heard the word "dinkus" used this many times in a thread before in my life
great stuff keep this fued burning its hilarious

p.s. - i think you may be a little out of your element old man dude guy bro