aeroflo spray lines?


New Member
bump... anyone, my hydro store is closed till monday and i wanted to finish making my diy aeroflo system just dont want tocut down the fencepost to far and then the spray line not fit... ive tried looking it up online it say 6' replacement line but but is it exactly 6'?


New Member
I have no idea but it is just 1/4" outside diameter tubing available at Home Depot or Lowes. It is sold in many colors. Black is comonly used to block light and prevent lagae growth. It should be spray pained white or insulated though so as to prevent heating of the water.


New Member
i think im gonna go with the lazer drilled aero lines... i dont think its practice tp insulate the spray lines.. and theres no way its gonna make the water hot, maybe the pump would heat the water up but not the spraylines


New Member
If the lights heat up everything else what makes you think they are not going to heat up the water in black plastic lines. Why do you think reservoir water is quite often hotter than the room air temp. The pumps are not heating the entirety of the reservoir that much. You insulate hot water lines to keep the heat in, you heat cold water lines to keep the heat out. Duh!


New Member
If the lights heat up everything else what makes you think they are not going to heat up the water in black plastic lines. Why do you think reservoir water is quite often hotter than the room air temp. The pumps are not heating the entirety of the reservoir that much. You insulate hot water lines to keep the heat in, you heat cold water lines to keep the heat out. Duh!
well i think thats y they make water chillers, air cooled hoods and ac... and if your so knowledgable y didnt general hydroponcs buy your ideas of insulated spray lines... and there shouldnt be any light hitting the spray lines any how because there in a fence post with a canopy of mj over it... my 2 cents


New Member
well i think thats y they make water chillers, air cooled hoods and ac... and if your so knowledgable y didnt buy your ideas of insulated spray lines... and there shouldnt be any light hitting the spray lines any how because there in a fence post with a canopy of mj over it... my 2 cents
Wow, what a hat rack case. Not surprisingly only a minority of people use chillers or even air cooled hoods or cool tubes. General Hydroponics sells cheap crap systems. If they can save a penny they do. I doubt you are capable of a grow with a full canopy even at full veg or at bloom stage. Even if you could you are still heating your water in your lines unnecessarilly up until that full canopy is developed. Plus if you do putI imagine if the fence posts were black when you bought them you would not have painted them white either. You write like a texting teen ager. Does your mommy and daady approve of you reading and posting to an adult site. Finish jr. high and high school and maybe read a college level text book on thermal dynamics child.


New Member
Wow, what a hat rack case. Not surprisingly only a minority of people use chillers or even air cooled hoods or cool tubes. General Hydroponics sells crap systems. If they can save a penny they do. I doubt you are capable of a griow with a full cam nopy even at full veg or at bllom stage. Even if you could you are still heating your water in your lines unnecessarilly up until that full canopy is developed. Plus if you do put out the money to chill your resrvoir water pumping it through uninsulated pipe just heats the water backup in route to the sprayers.
well if you aint using a water chiller your using frozen gatorade bottles or uaint growing hydro or at least to its full potential i see no matter what i say ull have something to say about it this thread was started so i could getthe length of the aeroflo line not argue over tid bits :joint:


New Member
Tid bits. Hell, you have probably never had a grow besides running a bag seed soil grow in a closet hidden behind clothes so your mother won't see. Learn something before you talk trash child.


New Member
we see how childish u are sorry master splinter your royal ass must behurting from the pounding u got... dude i rock over 5000w co2 ac the works and im a medical card holder punk so why dont u grow up and get your panties out of the twist there in


New Member
Trash talk doesn't impress me. The stupid things you have just written before this latest reply show me your last reply is just trash talk. Your initial request shows you are inexperienced as does every thing else you wrote. The last reply is just ludicrous bunk. Actually my 60 year old *ss is totally virginal punked boy.


New Member
im done bullshiting with u, u dont have th answer i want go move onto another thread i do just fine growing the way i do daddy!


Active Member
Trash talk doesn't impress me. The stupid things you have just written before this latest reply show me your last reply is just trash talk. Your initial request shows you are inexperienced as does every thing else you wrote. The last reply is just ludicrous bunk. Actually my 60 year old *ss is totally virginal punked boy.
FATMAN calm the hell down. You started talking shit way before jackdirty said anything bad about you, personally. Now your crazy cockamainy scheme about insulating water lines i will talk shit about. everything you've said only makes sense if you take your geritol and viagra in excess, or is it cialis. I don't know how about you get back in your tub with your gay lover. All jack asked is a simple question how long is something and you go on about insulating spray lines tiny spray lines.... I'm going to say it again spray lines if you insulate spray lines they don't spray anymore and the 6in from the manifold to the chamber doesn't need insulation and they don't need to be painted. Air cooled hood, water chillers and cool tubes are all general practices that even novice growers can appriciate there neccesity. Your way wack go back to your senior community and play cards with everyone else society doesn't want f*cking shit up


New Member
Liitle boy Greenbuds. Take your head out of your behind and read this.

I simply stated that I had no idea the length of the tubing and that he could simply buy tubing at Home depot or Lowes. I also suggeted that he spray paint and insulate the tubing. Very good advice. You should try it. Hell even Earl recomends insulation. I should have said insulate the manifold pipe as well and insulate the fence posts. All are simplier ways to reduce reservoir temps that are much easier than ice bottles or spending the money on a sad over priced inefficient retail chiller that removes heat from the water and dumps it back into the room. Great gain there. I could have also said insulate the reservoir. Prevention is much better than expensive bandaid treatments like chillers. These are all common practices amongst people wha run good systems economiv cally. All my lines reservoirs and growing tubes are insulated and I grow in an airsconditioned dehumidifeed sealed room with a water ck hiller with its compressor outside, plus I use water cooled lights. However, as it works very well I still insulate. Insulation is a good thing not a waste. Not a crack pot idea. energy is expensive. Insulation is relatively cheaop and repays its costs quickly. Not using it is often the only reason a chiller is ever needed. So your just talking nonsence and he was just being defensive and overly argumentative. I haven't seen anyone jumping in answering his question about the silly tubing length. Give me a break. If you wish to be beneficial just answer his question andleave me alone.

As far as your last sentence go have your momma change your diaper child and spit that thing out of your mouth and use a pacifier instead. I receive PM's and thanks daily for my posts child so your opinion on what anyone in this world wants is just for garbage from the mouth of a baby. When I was young I thought I knew it all and adults knew nothing. Apparently you are still a juvenille that thinks that way.


Active Member
Liitle boy Greenbuds. Take your head out of your behind and read this.

I simply stated that I had no idea the length of the tubing and that he could simply buy tubing at Home depot or Lowes. I also suggeted that he spray paint and insulate the tubing. Very good advice. You should try it. Hell even Earl recomends insulation. I should have said insulate the manifold pipe as well and insulate the fence posts. All are simplier ways to reduce reservoir temps that are much easier than ice bottles or spending the money on a sad over priced inefficient retail chiller that removes heat from the water and dumps it back into the room. Great gain there. I could have also said insulate the reservoir. Prevention is much better than expensive bandaid treatments like chillers. These are all common practices amongst people wha run good systems economiv cally. All my lines reservoirs and growing tubes are insulated and I grow in an airsconditioned dehumidifeed sealed room with a water ck hiller with its compressor outside, plus I use water cooled lights. However, as it works very well I still insulate. Insulation is a good thing not a waste. Not a crack pot idea. energy is expensive. Insulation is relatively cheaop and repays its costs quickly. Not using it is often the only reason a chiller is ever needed. So your just talking nonsence and he was just being defensive and overly argumentative. I haven't seen anyone jumping in answering his question about the silly tubing length. Give me a break. If you wish to be beneficial just answer his question andleave me alone.

As far as your last sentence go have your momma change your diaper child and spit that thing out of your mouth and use a pacifier instead. I receive PM's and thanks daily for my posts child so your opinion on what anyone in this world wants is just for garbage from the mouth of a baby. When I was young I thought I knew it all and adults knew nothing. Apparently you are still a juvenille that thinks that way.
Ok dumbass if you didn't know then why the hell would you open your shit stained mouth. And no, painting and insulating the lines is not a good idea or great advice. Its not neccesary by any means. The water is traveling so fast in those lines that they accumulate almost no heat from the lights. Same with the fence post, which by the way are white. They came that way from the factory being vinyl fence posts. You only have a real problem with water temps if you use a submersible pump and not an inline pump. All the heat generated from a submersible goes into the water where the inline heat goes into the open air. People use chillers for many reasons. It is the fact that marijuana grows best with water temps between 62-70 degrees f, room temp water is above that somewhere around 75 degrees. Thus the need for something to cool the water arises. Your options really are ice, or water chiller. Now, what I have recited to you is fact, not an opinion of a little kid, but science. Real science. I'm not defensive or over argumentive, i just dont like rude stupid irrelevent people that don't know what they are talking about and on top of it talk shit when people just try and correct the errors in their thinking. You are just a stubborn old cooter that still thinks he knows everything and everyone else is wrong. I know I can learn a lot for everyone not just the elderly. You'd be suprized what a 3 y/o can teach you, but you only see a 3 y/o not a person. Age doesn't make your smart or wise. It just means your closer to death and shitting in your pants again. So go pop a few more viaga and go hump your pathetic dog you've been raping for the latest half of your life. Please, stay the hell off the internet, and take some of your own advice.


Active Member
ok so jack um i know the 4' lines are just under 4' i v built 4' aeroflos and i would recomend you get your spray lines before u cut your tubes or your 3" cup holes, use your spray lines as a refrence for your cups put the spray hole in the center between cups as im sure u know. i used plumbers glue kinda like shoegoo stuff to glue my guides for spray lines, pvc glue didnt work so good, and dumb ass doesnt know what hes talking about insulating spray lines haha their inside the tubes yo .


New Member
ok so jack um i know the 4' lines are just under 4' i v built 4' aeroflos and i would recomend you get your spray lines before u cut your tubes or your 3" cup holes, use your spray lines as a refrence for your cups put the spray hole in the center between cups as im sure u know. i used plumbers glue kinda like shoegoo stuff to glue my guides for spray lines, pvc glue didnt work so good, and dumb ass doesnt know what hes talking about insulating spray lines haha their inside the tubes yo .
As I don't buy cheap ass retail crap how would i know the foolishly stich them inside the tubes dumd ass child yo ho ho Happy Holidays dinkus.