Aeroflo 30 + 20 = Aeroflo Custom 50


Active Member
you have one 600 on those 50 in the aeroflo? This may cause stretching unless ur light mover has a turbo.

I am curious as to how you setup your security...could you school us a little more on this matter?

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Please re-read original post. There are 3 600 watters on 3 lightrails.
Attached is an updated pic. The 6 in the foregound are 7 day old clones.


Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've been watching your ICE grow. Very nice. The attached pics were taken about 9 days ago. I like this system so much I got another one. The last pic is an Aeroflo 30 which can also be modified to a 50.
The last pic shows 37 clones at about 3 weeks. I doubled up on a couple of pots. This system is a no-brainer. Just check your nutes and top off.
The 50 takes about 4 gallons per day. I don't even change the res solution as the soup is crystal. I will change to plain RO about 10 days before harvest. Aeroflo rocks.:peace:


Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Pics of the clones in the AF 30 at 37 days. Still in Veg. Waiting for the AF 50 to finish up so I can harvest, then I'll refill with clones from the 30. I'll probably do this 4 or 5 times, then get fresh clones from a mother.

Just using the basic GH 3 part line. Not even the Flora series.:peace:

