Aerocloners unite!!!

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sir,

You will be special when the great Queen of the Baron hood says you have deserved to behold the special monarchistic title of Baron.

It is sad to say from what I have seen, your talents are far too inferior to apply for this title.

You will never be special.

Good Day Sir! :finger:


Well-Known Member
i'm special dammit
ok...ok... no one said you're not... everything is ok Bugs...

Here how about this... I picked a bud off one of my plants.. its drying now...

Bugs, this bud is for you... I will dedicate it and think of you as I savor the result of proper cloning techniques...

Be Well... my delirious friend, be well...




New Member
:cry: day 13 and again no roots......fuck me blistered......i am adding another 2x4 f+d set up under a 600w hps to make my ww grow a 3 stage 3 week cloning and 9 week flower. this is the best thing to do as it is consistently taking me around 3 weeks to root and at 8 weeks my buds could have used another week. this will benefit me by actually increasing my yield 50% or i guess things worked out for me after all.

weed baron status reconfirmed:mrgreen:

i am building a bunch of stuff right now......2 new leak proof cloners are coming out next. bongsmilie

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sir,

How could one POSSIBLY call themselves a "WEED" Baron when one has SO many issues growing WEED! You must be a poor peasant trying to scratch out a meager existence in the world and that could possibly be delusional as well.

Be advised that the Baron hood of WEED has in fact put forth this proclamation. Thee whom bears fruit in the kingdom of WEED MUST have the official monarchy seal.

You sir will never have such a seal for you are only a peasant not worthy of the kings of approval.

Good Day Sir :finger:


Active Member
dear sir,

how could one possibly call themselves a "weed" baron when one has so many issues growing weed! You must be a poor peasant trying to scratch out a meager existence in the world and that could possibly be delusional as well.

He's rubber your glue

be advised that the baron hood of weed has in fact put forth this proclamation. Thee whom bears fruit in the kingdom of weed must have the official monarchy seal.

Poppycock sir, what a ludacris thing to say......i am the head of his majesty's affairs insofar as the order of the baron is concerned and cannot find you anywhere in our records. You will cease and decist besmirtching the good name of weed barons across the globe by propagating the myth that you are of some noble ancestry.....rweally i grow tired of dealing with simpletone such as yourself. A real baron would never sully his good name by giving someone the finger. You should be ashamed of your entire blood line. All idiots , i'm sure.

With respect ;-)

p.s. At least this bug character is trying, and seemingly doing better than anything you've done.

You sir will never have such a seal for you are only a peasant not worthy of the kings of approval.

Good day sir :finger:
simply, utterly nonsense.


Well-Known Member
:cry: day 13 and again no roots......fuck me blistered......i am adding another 2x4 f+d set up under a 600w hps to make my ww grow a 3 stage 3 week cloning and 9 week flower. this is the best thing to do as it is consistently taking me around 3 weeks to root and at 8 weeks my buds could have used another week. this will benefit me by actually increasing my yield 50% or i guess things worked out for me after all.

weed baron status reconfirmed:mrgreen:

i am building a bunch of stuff right now......2 new leak proof cloners are coming out next. bongsmilie
Did you check out my grow? I am having the same issues with the 9 10 week thing


Well-Known Member
i'd be nice to him if i were you

i'm tellin ya man, this ww wants to go long ....i mean fuck it's 75% sativa so i'm goin for it. i did find your thread. forgot about that one man.....sorry, now i'm re reading it:blsmoke:

Well whatcha think? Can i apply for baron hood ? Oh crap now i did it


Well-Known Member
oh i get it now......hehehehe ya maybe i should tone it down a lil....:mrgreen:

your grow is as good or better than al's could ever be. you baron you:peace:
DUDE why do you want me to get involved with the WEED baron. Your the one with the weed baron fetish. Keep me out of it i took a chance defending you and luckily he just wants you.

And you just cant say good job you have to bring the teacher into the mix. I will never be able to stand on my own :cry:


New Member
DUDE why do you want me to get involved with the WEED baron. Your the one with the weed baron fetish. Keep me out of it i took a chance defending you and luckily he just wants you.

everybody wants me :hump:

And you just cant say good job you have to bring the teacher into the mix.

well we've already established that i'm a tattler so keep pushin it and i'll go tell on you for real. al wouldnt stand for half the stupid shit you and i get into :lol:

I will never be able to stand on my own :cry:
that's 'cause your old and feeble.


New Member
I dont know why you would glue fishbones to the bottom of your cuttings like that....that's not gonna help you grow any roots ya know