Aerocloners unite!!!


Well-Known Member
how much are those timers? I got a cheap one for $8 at Lowes, it has 20 settings. It does the job, but I really don't trust the cheap thing.


New Member
i'm stickin with the aerocloning guys....still waiting but it's not looking good for the rr's and the rw cubes

started off looking good
waa waa waaaaaaaaa:clap:

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Maybe not at your finest but thats a nice haircut I mean nice haircut Sir Baron Sir. LOL.

Hey don't feel bad Mr Weed Baron-My whole first batch was declared a total loss--No worries though, I am petitioning the govt to declare it a federal disaster area and to release funds immediately.

So anyway i have dropped water temps significantly (from mid 80s down to mid 70s) to test my current batch in the EZ Clone-Day 3 so far-no roots but no rot either. Only time will tell but the word on the street is lower temps are better in that system than with traditional plug or rockwool methods. I have also ordered an adjustable recycling timer to water in increments of less than one minute at a time.

Until I get it dialed in I have gone to strictly rapid rooter grown clones so I don't get off schedule. I have lost one cutting using this method and have taken over 200 from the mums so far if you count the batch i cut a couple days ago.

Filled my first of 3 8x4 trays (doing the 20 day rotation) yesterday with 60 clones on 1/2 and I used 4 sexually mature female indicas (friggin xmas trees) on the other 1/2. Have a 1kw light over the 4 trees and a 1kw light over the 60 clones, I am curious which 1kw light will yield more:weed:60 days and I will let you know.


Well-Known Member
not at my finest when i posted that.....:weed:

sorry you can never get those precious moments of your life back that it took you to sit through and read my silly little journal, but thanks for taking the time to give it a read
It was a good read dude...really. I never laugh at people only with them. All your problems and head aches I too have had!

I could write a book on all my fuck ups. When I first started 14 years ago I didn't have a clue. I only had one old hippie book to guide me!

I learned about flushing the hard way when I used fish emulsion right up until harvest. My buds tasted like fish ass!

I took me forever to get cloning down. It wasn't until I started using my aero cloner that I finally had 100% success.

I lost so many crops to pests I don't even want to think about it. I've lost way too many grows to mother fuckin spider mites sons of bitches.

You're doing a hell of a lot better than I did when I started.

Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys...
I know I've been here having fun and all...
But the reality of it is that I don't have a fucking clue...

I am in the process of upgrading...

I also decided to leave the miniatures behind and move on to scale models ... lol...

Please come by and check out what I am doing, and steer me away from making dumb newb mistakes....

Appreciate it...

Ps... Bugs... you can make fun of me all you want on my thread... you've put up with me... it's the least I can do... hahahahha!!!!

but serious guys... let me know what you think...

Click on the red square, next to the quote...


A while back (10 days or so) I ordered a new light...

I wanted to order a Grow Tent as well, but the cash was a little short that day... not wanting to wait this long again for shipping, I decided to go get some supplies and build my own... (with the help of a good friend... Thanks!!!:clap:)

and here...

Ok... so I will start pretty much where I left off...




New Member
i like the tent man...sounds good. i used to grow in a cool cab...i loved it....dwc is the shit, grows massive huge fuckin colas....i miss it:wall:

dont get me wrong i'm happy, but i'm gonna make a seperate flowering area for retiring mothers and yield up to a pound per pland after growin em out. i'll use dwc for them....i want the best bang for my buck and dwc is it buddy.

anyway, i'm are you doing, you know.....what, with the being gimped up and all????:-P


Well-Known Member
I am glad you liked it... it's a big step from the aerogarden... but I figured that I should save money by upgrading the least amount of times possible...

Dwc is what the AG taught me... so I like it... yeah... it's the only thing I know.... other than throwing handfuls of seeds in a field...

Yeah man , any tips you got, I'll take them appreciatively...

As for my leg, it is getting better... It has been getting better for a long time now... and it is not good yet... but it is still getting better... lol... if that makes sense...

I just started seeing a nerve pain specialist who is very pill happy... so far I have managed to avoid detection... I hate those fucking pills... I rather hurt in my leg than some drug pump altering my brain chemistry to feel good when it hurts....

I am pushing for acupuncture... but like I said, he likes to prescribe lots of pills... he gives all kinds of free samples to "try out" and see if it helps...


Crutch free for 1 month now... still limping bad.. my foot is the issue.... it doesn't conform to the ground... so it hurts like hell to put weight on it... but it's getting better...

and as my mom says... "it's better to limp with pain, than not have a foot to limp on... "

Anyways... Thanks for asking...

I can't wait... better is not good you know... but I'll get there soon...




Well-Known Member
here here baron bugs......keep em in check round here......i must find this sparkafire retard and set him straight
please do , he is making the order of the baron look bad.
now that is what a true weed baron does......proclaims his wondratudeness and then deliverafies the goods
thank you...i try to tell everyone how awesome i am but some people you cant teach

Ahem, y'know, creating a new account and answering your own post requires more psychiatric therapy than we are qualified to give around here. :lol: :lol:

Ah yea bugs..... You do have a therapist right?? Its not a sign of great mental health to start talking to yourself.

Poor guy, i am here for you buddy!! Now i know why you have been so hostile to me and Custom Hydro. Your cloner is not completely filled with water!!!!.

I can only imagine the stress of not being able to clone like the rest of the kids. Its OK to have a SPECIAL friend Bugs one that you can talk to and that can give advice and encouragement when things don't go your way.

We all know the "SPECIAL" kids are just not as good at cloning as the others are.

Dont worry bugs you can do it !!! I am rooting for you. (No pun intended)

Your Friend Sparky.:weed:

Please donate today to the Bugsrnme psychiatric therapy fund because together we can help him get better.

Make checks out to RIU ATTN: The BUGSVANDANKENHOUSEN foundation.


New Member
first group session went well.......i'm feeling better already. i'm starting to realize this weed baron person is just my inner child slingin poo around the inside of my brain. i am now able to say that i am a newb and still have too much to learn.......wheeew, that felt good.

thanks for all the support everyone:clap::hug:


Well-Known Member
first group session went well.......i'm feeling better already. i'm starting to realize this weed baron person is just my inner child slingin poo around the inside of my brain. i am now able to say that i am a newb and still have too much to learn.......wheeew, that felt good.

thanks for all the support everyone:clap::hug:

Well I for one am glad your back Bugs !!! I did however send in my check to help you.

I have many friends that have issues and your more than welcome to join them.

Glad to have you aboard my friend.


Well-Known Member
Hey bugs actually talking weed I am getting close to doing some chop chop my problem is my strain is VERY Sativa influenced and although i am sure the smoke will be sensational it FUCKED up my 2 week schedule!!!! :wall:

Looking forward to showing it off. Dude whats up with the Baronhood? A bit of throne envy?


New Member
Well I for one am glad your back Bugs !!! I did however send in my check to help you.

I have many friends that have issues and your more than welcome to join them.

Glad to have you aboard my friend.'s a long road

Hey bugs actually talking weed I am getting close to doing some chop chop my problem is my strain is VERY Sativa influenced and although i am sure the smoke will be sensational it FUCKED up my 2 week schedule!!!! :wall:

Looking forward to showing it off. Dude whats up with the Baronhood? A bit of throne envy?
arent you growing white widow also?????

baronhood....throne envy.....these are all trigger words that could lead to a if you dont mind


Well-Known Member's a long road

arent you growing white widow also?????

baronhood....throne envy.....these are all trigger words that could lead to a if you dont mind

Yes but i have seemed to have been screwed by the seed company and i ended up with a plant that had ALOT of Sativa in it. I still have a mother of it and its tempting to just grow it.
It is really getting big. it is just taking a long time.

That and the week or so i lost due to my inability to plug back in my shit causing massive amounts of damage and stunted growth. I made another mother of it JUST in case it was really good . Other than that i have stopped growing it it will just take a bit to get it out of my system.

How is your drying coming along?

My lips are sealed. It will be interesting to see what he has to say about it though.


New Member
Yes but i have seemed to have been screwed by the seed company and i ended up with a plant that had ALOT of Sativa in it. I still have a mother of it and its tempting to just grow it.
It is really getting big. it is just taking a long time.

That and the week or so i lost due to my inability to plug back in my shit causing massive amounts of damage and stunted growth. I made another mother of it JUST in case it was really good . Other than that i have stopped growing it it will just take a bit to get it out of my system.

How is your drying coming along?

My lips are sealed. It will be interesting to see what he has to say about it though.
mine is 75 sativa 25 indica supposedly....and to be honest when it's time to harvest at 8 weeks....they could do for a little while longer in the oven if ya know what i mean. but i am doubling up now but no flood and drain....i'm building my own nft/aero set up right now....gonna make a how to when i'm done. i'm growin a 95% indica that takes only 6 weeks to flower and it's short stocky and has massive dense yields....a growers wet dream. plus im growin em big:clap::clap::clap: ready to hear what know who might blush........sweet tooth:o das right. i'm building the flowering are for the retired mums also:-P and gettin the bubbolator hash doo-hicky. goin big my friend.......i'm so happy. now you see why i feel like a weed baron?

oh the drying went well 4 days to dry , 7 to cure and look out tastebuds:weed:

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sir,

As a true WEED Baron I can tell you that having a throne and wanting one are completely different. If you were a true Weed Baron you would not have the need to FEEL like a WEED Baron because you would already be one.

If you are a true WEED Baron it is your god given right to be happy so there is no need to even think about it and as a WEED Baron your grows are always gods gifts of the earth and not tasting like earth for which you have grown.

It is because of that statement you could never be part of this exclusive society of The Baron hood and were you are now where you belong.

Good Day Sir! :finger: