Aerocloner needs cycle timer to work???

I am going to give you my input.

I built myself a DIY Aerocloner.

I use only RO water only, NOTHING else in the aero cloner, I don't even ph the water.

I use a timer, 15mins on, and 45mins off. That cause the water temp to be around 75-78F. (Remember running the pump heats up the water)

All I did was cut the plant, and slip them into neoprene inserts, and I get tiny root showing in 3-4 days. Day 7 almost 100% root showing. (What I noticed is that the lower leaves will turn yellow and die around the time they are growing roots) I moved all my clones into my veg table around day 18 since the bigger clones had huge roots and the smaller clones had enough root for my liking to move to veg.

I got 100% root success from my first attempt of cloning, and some of my clones were so small I did not even think they will root, but they all did.

Sounds excellent!

What lights and on what surface do you use?
And do you have a timer on your lights as well, of do you have them on 24/7 ?
8yr old thread my friend

Acutally 4 years old. :)
But I checked before if JCave is still a member and if he was online recently (both 'yes')
And instead of opening a new topic for every question, I think it is a better idea to sometimes reply to an older post.
Technology did not change that much that it is all outdated info.

And JCave probably has now more experience with his system and took out the bugs (if any) after 4 and a half years.
Well this is my 2nd not so successful round of cuts in the aerocloner. I'm going on 9 days and only 3 or 4 cuts out of a total of 60 are showing roots. :|

The PH is 5.5-6.0, running plain RO with a dose of beneficial tea. PPM 50, temp, 74F.

I am currently running the pump 24/7, my question is, do I need to put this damn thing on a cycle timer in order to get it to work? Who here uses a timer? And what cycle is it running, 15 on, 15 off?

The stems aren't mushy and the leaves are yellowing, just no roots (or calluses.) I have 100% success with rapid rooters but after hearing everyone say how simple and low-maintenance the aerocloners are, I dropped the cash on one. Please RIU, help me keep this thing from becoming a $350 paperweight!:wall:
I only paid $100 aud man id be shattered if i paid 350 n it didnt work expecally when they are pretty simple to make a dyi would of cost me round a $100 so im not that pissed off