aerocloner... clones not rooting.


Well-Known Member
50 site ezcloner diy style
ph 5.6-5.8
water temp 72*
ppm 278 (thats what the tap water is here)
pump on 24/7
little bit of clone powder

3 clones have been in there for over two weeks... no roots.
the other 20+ have been in there for about 10-12 days and not roots or bumps.. nothin.

however just 2 days ago my pump locked up and they didn't get any water for 16 hours or so... i sprayed them every 45 mins and they all came back to life. some yellowed now and some have a few crispy leaves but all are standing.

any idea besides the pump slip up as to why these babies aren't rooting?

strain bigbud if that matters. and i have all different size clones in there from single node to 3-4 node tops of plants... no difference.


Well-Known Member
clones and just like any other plants in aero type setups like dry period.

that is what makes aero, aero. it must have dry periods.

with that said, you dont need to run your pump 24/7 i promise. (clones especially like dry periods when rooting)

run the pump for 20-30seconds on and then 3-4 minutes off

i normally get roots anywhere from 3-5 days


Well-Known Member
clones and just like any other plants in aero type setups like dry period.

that is what makes aero, aero. it must have dry periods.

with that said, you dont need to run your pump 24/7 i promise. (clones especially like dry periods when rooting)

run the pump for 20-30seconds on and then 3-4 minutes off

i normally get roots anywhere from 3-5 days
I run my system 24/7 and have no probs. I'm not going to tell Loud he is wrong!
I was thinking more of rooting gel on the roots and hormone in the water and amount?
Oh ya, I'm doing Big Bud too


Well-Known Member
in aero, i never have the need to use rooting hormones or gel, none of that scrapping crop......just cut clone and put into neoprene

Moreover, running your pump 24/7 and constantly bathing the roots is more or less HYDRO cloning. Hydro cloning and Aero cloning are like day and night, very much different. Hydroponics mostly rely on DO (dissolved oxygen) in the water itself.... that infact is how the plant just doesnt drown in water. Aeroponics is the use of air/oxygen to the rootzone for more explosive growth while misting it every few minutes or so for a small amount of seconds.

Hydro cloning will produce those long long roots (which is indicative of searching for water), while aero cloning will produce short 'pom-pom' roots if you will because of the micron size of the spray/mist it makes the nutrients readily available to the plant and therefore you can cut back on nute strength a tad bit b/c of the readiness of available. In aero, once you reach a certain size, roots will stop growing vertical and start kicking out lateral roots

3-5 days rooting


Well-Known Member
sorry for such the large pics, its been almost a year since i've used this site and forgot how to deal with pics


Well-Known Member
and btw, nothing is wrong with hydro cloning....just make sure if you are running your pump 24/7 make sure your nute soup doesnt get too hot

70-78F i blv is your window, i think anything higher than that is death.

rooting/clones allow you to have a higher res temp rate. they actually root faster in warmer water


Well-Known Member
and btw, nothing is wrong with hydro cloning....just make sure if you are running your pump 24/7 make sure your nute soup doesnt get too hot

70-78F i blv is your window, i think anything higher than that is death.

rooting/clones allow you to have a higher res temp rate. they actually root faster in warmer water
I'm gunna run your times on my next batch! Thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
would adding an airstone help with "hydro" rooting? i don't really have the cash right now to dump into a timer that will do 20sec on 3 mins off.. i think i've seen them and they are around 60-100 bucks.... i recently made the switch from soil to hydro, things add up, but i know i will love it soooo much more than soil.

thanks for the input. airstone is cheap to add.


Well-Known Member

however, i've stopped using air pumps stones/bubblers/etc etc

during my experiments i've noticed that air pumps encourage spore growth and can fluctuate your pH and your EC. (i've also noticed that air pump is an American thing, only we do...overseas you dont see air pumps too much)

use at your discretion


Well-Known Member
and if you cant afford a recycling timer

at least get a regular timer, let it spray/mist for 15 mins on and 45 mins off. I know someone who uses regular timers now b/c they cant afford or dont wanna buy a recycling timer

its all up to you


Well-Known Member
Hi Whatapothead, i was reading this aerocloner thread before i got mine and it was this that got me worried about cloning.....however ive just got my aerocloner and clones have been in for 6 days and are now showing roots.......and the only difference i can see with your etup and mine is the pump running 24/7......i started with 15min on and 15off for the 1st 4 days, and then i changed to 15min on and 30min off, and now they are shooting roots.....i think that the 'dry' time for the roots enables a lot of oxygen to be used by the clones, which is why they pop roots so fast.....and i know people run their aerocloners 24/7 but this is 'hydro' cloning, and why would you 'hydro' clone in an 'aero' cloner if you catch my drift, try 15min on 30min off and see if you get some results......anyways just my thoughts i guess, u can have a look at my result in the journal in my sig..........anyways keep us updated bro......


Well-Known Member
right on. the ones that were in the cloner while the pump was 24/7 for 15 days or so (then i switched to 15 15) and almost all of them have rooted after about 25 days... haha but i just took some clones yesterday so we'll see if i can do it in 6 days or if i need to go 15 30. thanks for all the input. quick clones means quick buds.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tips everyone I'mgetting ready for batch #2 in my cloner the fisrt was 24/7 and took like 12-14 days i'll get a timmer and see if it helps.

I also use clonex root solution in the water, powder and gels just wash off dont use them


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tips everyone I'mgetting ready for batch #2 in my cloner the fisrt was 24/7 and took like 12-14 days i'll get a timmer and see if it helps.

I also use clonex root solution in the water, powder and gels just wash off dont use them
I have a homemade cloner I use. It takes about 7 days for them to show roots, probabally because the room is cold. I have an aquarium heater that keeps the water temp between 77 and 80 degrees.

I have sort of a weird setup, cheap as with everything else I do. I am using a 70 gph pump with a fountain attachment. It is the type of fountain you might use with a bird feeder. I paid 19$ for both the pump and fountain attachment kit at lowes.

I run it 24/7. I suspect that if I had it in a warm room, I would get a lot faster rooting times, but a week is fine with me, im not in all that much of a hurry. I use no hormone or fertilizer.

Im wondering if your slow rooting time is due to cold water. I initially ran my aero cloner with cold water and had zero clones pop in three weeks.


Well-Known Member
If your cloner water is getting warm it will promote root rot! I have had this problem and the best is to keep it 80f or lower. I went and bought A portable AC to cool my room and system. I have used H2O2 in my cloner and it has helped me. I do have mine on A timer for 10min on and 5 min off and it works great! Keep your cloner clean also, and also keep an eye on your PH mine is kept at 5.5.