aero vs hydro


Well-Known Member
There's no real difference in performance between a DWC and these low pressure aero units. The problem with the low pressure aero units is that the larger water droplets that you'll get will destroy the fine roots hairs. These fine roots greatly expands the surface area of the roots and only a very fine mist will allow the fine root hairs to thrive. The fine root hairs look almost like a bright white mold growing on the roots

Also, the low cost aero units don't have a pump timer and by constantly spraying the roots you are destroying the fine root hairs (I use 2 seconds on, 90 seconds off).

You typically need at least 35 psi or so to get the fine mist needed although there are ultrasonic transducers which can give you a nice fog.


Well-Known Member
i use both systems, aero for vegitation and a good ole ebb & flow for bloom.... both works great, but i have had an issue a couple times of my aero running out of water due to the resevoir has no viewing tube for water levels...... i have the botanicaire model aero garden and the design could have been better for viewing water level...


Active Member
I run my aero pump 24/7. Its a homemade Aerospring that I modified from the book HowTo Hydroponics. never had a problem with root rot, and im told that you run the risk of drying out your roots. The misters aerate the solution with enough oxygen, but I put an air stone in the res anyway.