Aero vs. DWC. Please Share your Expertise.


Active Member
So, I'm at a critical point. I'm considering transitioning from soil to some form of hydro. I like the DIY solutions for Aero and DWC that I've found on this site.

I'm curious about what others have found when comparing the two. Maybe a pros and cons.

A little background on my space. I have two rooms one for veg and one for flowering. I currently move my plants from the veg area to the flowering area when the time is right. I prefer this to changing lights, etc. Space isn't really an issue other than height.

Also, I have tried DWC with a 5 gallon bucket in the past. I had some issues with keeping the PH in check. I seemed to have a difficult time keeping a gallon or two of water balanced for more than 8 hours. I've heard that larger reservoirs are easier to keep balanced but I do not have first hand experience.

I would be really interested in hearing what others have to say.


Illegal Smile

Aero is much more complex and challenging. If you want to go that way eventually, I would still start with simple dwc to get into hydro then transition.