Aero setup?


New to this so just looking for some pointers or corrections on my understanding. My plan is to build a table, cutting holes in it for the net pots to hang through. Using coco I would plant clones in the coco. The roots would hang through the pots into the chamber below. I would have 30 mister nozzles, 1 per plant, hooked to a pump which would take my solution from the tank. Is this the basic idea? Does anyone have recommended shops where I could piece together this system?



Well-Known Member
Great plan an u should be able to get every thing but net pots(local hydro store) at you local hardware store

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Well, there are 2 distinct types of aero, low pressure and high pressure. High pressure is where I am putting my efforts currently and if you click my sig link, it'll take you to my thread here where I just spent a very long time explaining all I've learned about it- and a system layout with links and everything. Good luck no matter what'cha do...

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
What is the difference between high and low? I would like to kno since I'm running aero myself
Well, high pressure aero is where a different fuzzy root structure develops, and some nice fatster growth is reported. Because of the efficiency of the system you can run drain to waste, and forget ever having to adjust your nutes and ph after the initial mix. It really caught me as cool, and I am building my setup now. Like I said, in my signature line is a link that explains it all in the first few posts... Come build an HP aero with us! :)

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Please update with your results!
Hey, it took quite a while, but the bulk of my items arrived yesterday and today actually... I should be putting them together perhaps starting over the weekend... Ask again in another week or 2 and I'll have some good info to report back... :)