Aero Question

In an aeroponics grow are u suppose to keep the pump on 24/7?? sorry for my ignorance on the subject but i wanted to try aeroponics for my next grow. if it is on 24/7 would i need still need an airstone??

Well-Known Member
You always need an airstone or other aerating device for standing water. Plus if you are going to deliver water to your roots, it is beneficial to have a decent amount of dissolved oxygen in it. as toastycookies stated, you probably don't want the water pump on 24/7. Put it on a timer and let the roots get some air. Although some people here do run it 24/7, but they also maintain a high amount of dissolved oxygen in their water stream.


Mr. Bond


Well-Known Member
Running your pump 24/7 will also heat up your reservoir, if you run it for the aero
standard of 1 min on 4 min off it will keep rather cool and help prevent other problems.


Active Member
i second 1min on/4off. that's what i use at least and it has worked perfectly to me. i am somewhat a noob to aero though.


Well-Known Member
A little bit probably, but I don't think you'll have enough of the waterfall effect to really oxygenate things.
With as cheap as the parts are for oxygenating and as critical as oxygen is that's one thing I've learned to
not skimp on.