Aero - Pump On Lights Off?


Well-Known Member
i never had any problems, i run my pumps 15/45 and always run at night at 15/130, will i benefit from shutting the pumps down when lights go off? i know top feeding and floods are to go off with the lights, any input on this? like i said i been doing this for about 7 months now with no ill effects, although now with more exp. i would think the humidity in my channels would keep roots moist, anyone here run a stinkbud or aeroflo like this?


Well-Known Member
I run my aero 24/7 without any problems, I've tried 5 off 5 on, and 15 off 15 on and saw no changes. I've never tried turning it completely off during night though.


Well-Known Member
Im using a botanicare turbo garden and my pump goes 24/7 as well.No problems.Why the big difference between day and night????


Well-Known Member
the plant is not photosynthesizing when lights are off, therefore have no need for drinking, whether your in flood buckets or top feeding, many people have told me no go when lights are off, this applies to rockwool slabs and clay pellets, like i said i run the pump much less during the night and was wondering if anyone has experience in aero with pumps completly off at night