Advise needed with flushing and nutes..


Active Member
Hi there everyone, i would like to get some advise about flushing and feeding. Here is my Problem (question) It might sound dumb, but i'm new to this. I water my plant with nutes in the water and its ph'ing ant 6.6.( the feeding water that is) For the first time i decided to check the run off water that drains out of the bottom of the pots after a watering and the ph was at 5.6. Is this due to the fact that the pots need to be flushed every now and again. Is this due to nute build up in the soil,and changing the ph level at exit.
My question is how regularly do i need to flush my pots, and if i do flush them does the flushing water need to be ph'd, and what is the reason the exiting water ph is lower than when it entered th top of the pot.
And does this mean my plants are actully drinking water at 5.6.


Well-Known Member
wow that is a really good question man, really good
but its obviously something in your soil thats making the ph lower, i also never checked my ph runoff and next time i water im gonna do it
and why dont you check your soil ph , then you will know exactly what the ph is, you need a soil ph meter, do you have one


Active Member
Yeah, i have a ph meter, but they are not very acurate, any test i have done it shows the ph is pretty much nuetral


Well-Known Member
Ive never "Flushed" a plant while its growing. I water them, but not flush. i dont know how your feeding schedule is, but Mine goes like this.

Water water, feed, water, water, feed, water, water (and so on)

so basically every 3rd watering I feed. I also dont water every day though. My plants go about two days between watering which basically makes it so I feed them once a week.
I haven't ever tested my water vs. my water run off so Im not sure on those questions.

are your plants having problems or you're just curious why its different? I always say "If it ain't broke...don't fix it" ;)


Active Member
well, i dont water then feed then flush, all i do is feed, feed, feed, feed and so on, i dont have nute burn, but because all i do is feed, there must be a build up of salt in my soil mix to drop the ph in run off, in which case my plants are showing deficinceys as the ph level is to low and certain nutes are not available to it.
will flushing fix this, ans if so should flushing water be at what ph.


Well-Known Member
why would you feed feed feed? You dont and shouldn't be only feeding when you water. There is no need for it and its going to cause problems. You water between feedings because your soil already has food in it from the first time you fertilized it.... so you let the plant soak that up before feeding again. Once a week is plenty.

not to mention you must be going through nutes like crazy. waste of $$$.

I would stop feeding for a little bit and just water for a few days, even up to 7 days before you feed again.